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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 4/25/2017 5:06:13 PM
[b][u]A Savage Brute..[/u][/b] [i]it was a very calm day or so seems as nothing out of the ordinary. As some the members of the dojo go about their business. Until very loud yowling and hissing is coming from the woods like something is fighting something very big but isn't getting far. This carries for few minutes before three large cats break the cover of woods running fast towards gates the dojo. Two are black panthers and the last a snow leopard. "-blam!- what is that thing!!!"says the snow leopard "Just run akiko run"says one of the panthers. Its clear what they are running from as a very large bulkly figure bursts from the woods wielding a giant double headed axe. Its a strange creature for sure because the three have never seen one before. It was a very large solid black minotaur. Its gaining on akiko cause she slowing down as it runs after her. She unlucky enough for notices this reaching out with a free hand grabbing her by her tail then yanks all four feet out from under her. Akiko lets out very frightened yowl as she feels it grab her lifting her off the ground. What the beast doesn't count on is her turning around and trying to claws trying to free herself. But this just pisses it off and just slams into the ground stunning her badly. She makes a strange noise as several off her bones could be heard snapping. "" whimpers akiko The other two can only watch unable to help because everytime they get close it just swings its ax at them trying to injure them as well. Akiko is hanging very weakly in its grasp but her weak cries of help can be heard. "Let go of her !!"she says " kimi..." One them manages to circle around it behind and jumps on to the brute's back biting down anywhere she could. But it just roars in anger. It drops akiko and reaches around grabs her by leg yanking her off its back. It slams her into the ground as well before throwing into the panther with great force. Akiko can't away from in time cause it picks her up again by the tail. It could easily kill her if they weren't helped soon. Akiko just looks at with fear in her eyes. She was afraid as she glanced around looking for anyone to help her to save from this monster. [/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler] [spoiler]you can killl it the minotaur [/spoiler]

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  • An ebony arrow slams into its left leg, a second arrow slamming in its right bicep a second later. Nyxon charged out from the woods, outfitted in what looked like Daedric armor, a flaming Ebony Greatsword in his two hands.

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  • [i]the minotaur roars in anger and throws akiko at him when he charges out the woods. the minotaur then simply pulls the two arrows out before he charges at him his two headed ax raised ready to strike as the beast's hooves hit the ground as it runs towards him.[/i]

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  • Nyxon drops the sword, letting it impale into the gound as he braces to catch Akiko. He's knocked back by her, yet he still managed to catch her. After setting her down, he yanks his sword up again, swooping it around before charging the minotaur, his large sword readied to be shoved through the minotaur. "Fus Yol!" he shouted as he charged.

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  • [spoiler]i can't remember what that does[/spoiler] [i]the minotaur when it close enough it swings its axe at him when he get close enough to him . akiko just whimpers when he sets her down on the ground after he catchs her. she doesnt move though cause she too hurt too and neither does the other two. [/i]

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  • (It doesnt do anything. It just translates to force fire. Nyxon doesnt have the power to Shout) Nyxon swings the greatsword to meet the battleaxe, its edge gleaming hot. Nyxon wasn't aiming for anything in particular, but had swung at the axe from a lower stance to avoid it if it were cut off or possibly reached him.

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  • [spoiler]okay[/spoiler] [i]the minotaur even though its swing was blocked it clearly wasn't though. as it kicks out with one its massive hooves cleary aiming for his legs. [/i]

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  • Nyxon jumps, more or less just lifting his legs before planting his feet firmly on the minotaur's outstretched leg, swinging the greatsword around its right side, trying to imbalance it.

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  • [i]it works but only slightly as it lowered its head trying to hit him with sharp horns but in doing so. the beast leaves himself open for attack. its a clear sign of it growing frustation and anger.[/i]

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  • Nyxon leaps off of it, getting knocked in the shoulder plating by one of the horns. The armor was hardly scratched, but Nyxon snarled in annoyance of the pain in his shoulder. He hefted up his sword again, charging the short distance to the minotaur as he swung downward at it's back.

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  • [i]it roars in as he manages to cut its back making jump back with clear rage as it swings its axe at him.its clear its injury badly as blood drips to the ground at its hooves.[/i]

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  • [i]Luckily for Akiko a friend was nearby. Out from the woods five sharp, pointy icicles as hard as steel come flying out at the minotaur.[/i] "Vulpix!" [i]The little, 2ft tall vulpix sprints out of the woods.[/i]

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  • [i]it drops akiko to the ground with thud and akiko just lies there too hurt to move as the brute slowly turns around. it looks to see who attacked it with ice. it seems unimpressed by the small creature and it leans over again to grab her. [/i]

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  • "Vulpix!" [i]It runs up and sprays thick ice over the beast, covering it in inches of tough ice.[/i]

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  • [i]the minotaur struggles as it begins to get covered in ice. the beast roars in annoyance as starts trying to break free from its icy bonds.[/i]

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  • [i]The vulpix keeps spraying layer after layer of ice at the beast nonstop.[/i]

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  • [i]the Minotaur although being frozen in places is still trying to free itself. its growls in its rage as it tries to break free as half its body is frozen. akiko is just lying their watching vulpix attack being in too much pain to get up at the moment. [/i]

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  • [i]Vulpix then fires five more powerful icicles at the beasts face before running up to Akiko.[/i]

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  • [i]the minotaur dies after that seeing how the icicles hit several vital spots. akiko is lying on the ground nearby in the same spot she was dropped. akiko looks at vulpix and tries to get up but is to much pain. the two are farther off but one of them manages to sit up.[/i] ''t..thanks im r..really h.hurt though...''says akiko '' get help..."says kimi

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  • "Vul..." [i]Vulpix nuzzles Akiko before sprinting off.[/i]

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  • [i]akiko just lies there feeling vulpix nuzzle her before running off to get help. akiko did not want move until help got there because she was unsure of which bones were broken. she just hoped it would hurry back. [/i]

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  • [i]The vulpix soon arrived with a team of paramedics and a vet. The team don't hesitate and start to treat Akiko as fast as they can.[/i]

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  • [i]akiko doesn't move or reist as they start to treat her she does whimper a bit as when the touch the spots where bones are broken which are her ribs and as well as front left leg. she just looks over at vulpix happy that it got help. [/i] "t..thank''says akiko

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  • "Vul! Vul!" The vulpix smiled at Akiko while Akiko continued to get treatment.

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  • [i]akiko just waited patiently while being treated she glances over at her two friends who still in the same spot but sitting there watchig her.[/i]

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  • The paramedic team finished bandaging and patching her up before swiftly leaving. The vulpix nuzzles Akiko's muzzle affectionetly.

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