I play the new Watch Dogs 2: No Compromise DLC's PvP on PS4 Pro![quote]Did you get to play new DLC yet? If yes, do you like it?[/quote]Please, enjoy (:
I uninstalled it after the first dlc. Going to download it again to play it
I still haven't completed that game. Don't know why, because it's a pretty great game.
I've already got platinum on the game. No point in playing it now.
Nope. I traded mine in
How do ya like it? Was playing Watchdogs 2 yesterday but not No Compromise. Very fun game.
I'll get to it eventually. I love the game but I've got a mountain of games to play rn.
No. Beacuse F*CK watch dogs 2. I didn't even bother to finish It. I'm gonna sell It.
Why does the bad guy look like Pagan Min put black face-paint across his eyes?
Bump, anyone? (: