Tl;dr: I play it because to me it is still fun. What else matters?
First of all, it's cool that you think that this stuff is garbage. That's your opinion. Don't let people sway your opinion if that's how you truly feel.
Secondly, I sure I speak on behalf of many other players that say that we don't play any other games, just Destiny. That's a common misconception. I love Destiny and although I spend the majority of my gaming on it I also play others on my Xbox1 and 3DS.
That being said I still play Destiny because, in terms of having synergy between guns and player powers, Destiny feels a lot more engaging than other games. Also, I play it because it is NOT another military shooter. I've had enough of those even though I still play BF1.
From what I have seen though destiny is alot of peoples first and only game. Not everybody, probably not a majority, but a large number.