I popped on last night to play a few strikes, but after 1 Strike I just felt sick and switched off. I looked at all the pathetic posts on LFG:-
* 400's Only
* 3 deaths you get booted
* Must have Emblem
* 20+ Raid Clears Only (Checking Stats)
* No Squeakers
Destiny 2 is just around the corner and people are still taking this shit serious; for gear that is going to be obsolete in a month or 2. NOTHING IS GETTING CARRIED OVER!
Don't you guys understand?
I can understand sub 5000 Grimoire Iron Pups that just recently bought the game are still playing, but for everyone else; what keeps you playing this re-skinned / rehashed garbage?
I lost interest in destiny a long while ago but kept playing cuz I met someone and really only kept playing for her. She made the game fun again. Now I kinda just play out of habit I guess. I don't touch pve anymore unless I get asked for help and even my patience for it is low asf. I still enjoy crucible a certain point. Can only deal with so much bullshit no primary lag 😂. Not too mention how toxic it's gone too these past few months. Even without her I can still get some laughs out of this game though so I'll keep playing for now while I wait for destiny 2