This is a butthurt post. Don't take it seriously, but I AM TOTALLY SERIOUS.
Rift is Neutral Bomb Assault. You capture the rift in middle, and move on your opponents base. The resulting explosion kills nearby enemies. [b]The only difference being that the bomb is reset and cannot be recollected when you are killed with the rift[/b]
Rift is not CTF. You don't spawn with the rift. The aim is not to move on your opponents base, pick up their rift, and return it to your base.
Rift is not One Flag CTF. You don't return the rift to your base unless you're a dip.
Every time I mention Capture The Flag to anyone, they tell me that rift is Bungie's version of CTF. WHAT? Excuse me have you played game? It's good you should try it.
[spoiler]inb4 you should try english[/spoiler]
Killzone has a game mode called Search and Retrieve. Exactly the same as Rift, just without the dunky business.
Rift is kinda like ctf.
It's Griffball, except you're allowed to use more than swords and hammers.
I understand what you mean, just in pretty sure that in a video or whatever bungie said that this was [i]their[/i] take on a "Capture The Flag like gamemode"
Rift is Clash Control is Clash Supremacy is Clash with Crests Salvage is Clash with revives Skirmish is Clash with revives Clash is Control
You should try English
basically.......EVERY game can be played as team deathmatch/clash. haha. why bother getting the spark. you're just putting a big target on your back. i get killed way too many times as it is.... let alone picking up a tracking device so every enemy can follow me. no thanks.
Even after all you said rift is really bungies version of CTF...
I used to love neutral bomb in halo. It was like a rugby scrum or an American football team pushing the ball forward inch by inch. That is actually what I'd say the big difference is, if you die with the rift, it respawns back in a neutral position, bomb used to stay where you died until someone grabbed it. Which made for very different gameplay than rift. There was a front line and you could keep map control and push forward, not have to keep going back when someone died. I wanna play some halo now.
I thought you everything was just clash?
[i]We know. Rift is Clash.[/i]
It isn't capture the flag, but it's the closest thing we have in destiny.
Its ctf in that you take an objective to the enemy said to win.
Ever heard of one flag ctf? Not a new concept
If rift is comparable to anything in call of Duty it's uplink
I agree.
Rift is not CTF it's CTS