The top complaints on the Forums by far are about the Special Ammo economy and Fusion Grenades.
However the majority of those complaints are coming from 3v3 mode and/or Trials players.
The majority of 6v6 mode players do not have issues with either.
The basis of this boils down to 1 think I IMO. 1HK potential.
The 3v3 modes, including Trials, need to be played differently that 6v6 (Unless you're just a KD whore). I think those differences lead to different perceptions on what's balances or not.
3v3 modes, especially Elim and Trials, rely on the quicker kill more than 6v6. More-so due to there just being less people on the field and the desire to take you opponents out quickly. These modes are ALWAYS going to attract the loadouts that kill the quickest. Always.
6v6 modes, especially the objective ones, have muck more flanking going on from multiple sources.
It's much harder to maintain CQC and 1 on 1 engagements with another 5 players likely to be covering their objective.
There's more diversity simply because those loadouts are not required to be successful there.
The result of these differences is a fairly complete difference of opinion on everything from balance to weapon diversity, to specific things like how Fusions are used now.
I can tell you as a 6v6 player that fusion grenades are a non-issue there, there's more weapons diversity, and the special economy is not that bad. However I can see from the posts that in 3v3 and Trials those things are an issue.
The issue on the forums is no one is really making this distinction.
Threads come up about these things and people are debating heatedly and what I see is the same thing over and over. Those who have issues with these things are primarily playing 3v3 and Trials and those who don't are primarily 6v6.
If this is actually the case then what Bungie needs to look at 3v3 modes (and Doubles) having a different special economy than 6v6 modes. To me that's pretty clear.
I can't be the only one seeing this distinction can I?
Edit: this post was not meant to be a judgement to the varied play modes. Just an observation of where the acceptance levels are or are not.
There's no hostility in this post.
Reckless Grizzly
🇨🇦 - old
The matchmaking is still very awful in the crucible