Name some likes and dislikes about the game. Can be about graphics, story, whatever. And be specific. Not just "it was hot trash".
Likes: [spoiler] Combat is vastly improved over trilogy. Characters are fairly interesting for their first introduction into the series, probably best of the series in that regard. (even garrus, tali and liara were extremely bland in ME1, got considerably more depth in ME2). Graphics are stunning. Meaningful exploration (hard to come by nowadays in open world games). Interesting sidequests that felt important to the areas you were in (glad they learned from inquisition). Great companion missions. Lots of replayability and build variety to be had. Actually intelligent ai for a change (on higher difficulties at least). The angara. Crafting that is neither overly complex nor stupidly simple. Overall good main story. [/spoiler] Dislikes:[spoiler] The low impact of choices in the game. The fact that in the end, you feel like the fight only just got started. So many unfinished plot points and cliffhangars. The final "boss" and lack of bosses in general. Not enough interrupts available. No real consequences in the game. Nobody leaves, no companions die, pissing off companions does little, all your major actions only change if a single character survives or not (hopefully in future games these things and up being bigger). Mining in general (not as bad as planet scanning though imo). The quarian ark teaser at the end showing obvious dlc. It's difficult to play an asshole Ryder. Piss poor character creator. [/spoiler]