(4:25 am est offline for the night. Great night tonight! Congrats to all the first time completions! Message psn sayrey89 if you need a raid tmrw)
Well it's that time of year again. The disastrous LFG requirements, the fear of joining a group just to be ridiculed for lack of experience, not getting any invites because you don't have the "right emblem". No need to worry about any of that here! I will be bringing groups through VOG/CRota (other raids as well if there is interest) tonight and all this week. Here are my only requirements:
1. Please be atleast 380ish light (extremely easy nowadays)
(Also keep in mind if you are struggling to bring that LL up and I have some spare time outside of the raids I'll help you grind some things to get you up to raid ready)
2. Have a Mic, you don't have to be extremely vocal if you are not comfortable with that, just be able to call out certain mechanics when needed.
3. No judgements. Whenever I do this, I get a big mix of skill levels, so be patient and understanding
4. PS4 (sorry I do not have an xbox1)
NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED (we all ran our first raid at some point, no one was simply an expert from the start :) )
Best chance to guarantee a run would be to reply here as well as message me on psn sayrey89 with your bungie.net name so I know who it is. If I don't answer within an hour or so feel free to send an additional message as it sometimes can get flooded by new messages and I may be busy at the time.
Looking forward to raiding with you guardians!
Edit: Please feel free to stop by the twitch channel twitch.tv/fortuitous88 :) (just to clarify, this is not a requirement)
Edit: Just to clarify, all raids will be run if there is interest, VOG/CROTA were mentioned specifically because I can run through more at a time and they are quicker. If you need KF and WoTM I will assist with those as well. :)
Be honest that's all I'm fine with, cause if you lie than I'll be less willing to coach you thru an encounter