would you buy a Black Pewter ball python, a blue-eyed leucistic(white) ball python, or an angel of death color morph Ball Python?
I'd get a dog, but that's just me.
2.7.13 if you're used to Python 2 but the latest version (3.6.1) if you're starting from scratch and are brave.
I would get a red snake and call it "BurningViper". [spoiler][b][i][u]KUPO!!![/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]
I'd only pay $201.50 for the blue eye, white python
How much vodka are we talking here?
Post pictures, I don't feel like Googling.
The leucistic would be easier to find in the dark but I think the black pewter looks better.
I have no desire to have a pet snake. How much money are we talking?
I don't know what the angel of death one would look like, so I'd go with black pewter. The leucistic ones creep me out.