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Edited by Man at Arms: 5/8/2017 6:29:36 PM

Why you can't get to the Lighthouse and what's wrong with Trials of Osiris.

[b]"I posted this as a response to another gentleman's topic an decided to make it a topic. If this doesn't apply to you, and you are not one of the whiners then please ignore it. GG [/b] Forum post, twitter post, reddit post, crying about something being OP ruined the game. Of which only 3 weapons in the games history were ever truly OP. I read whining everyday about stickies, icebreaker, sidearms all from Trials sissy crybabies who want loot they can't earn because they are not good enough to win a competitive game mode. They caused every nonsensical nerf to this game for nearly two years now. Read this next part carefully. There are NO more patches or updates for Destiny 1. It is over. The mediocre sandbox team has moved on, hopefully to another studio. This is the Meta these nerf herders thought they wanted. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I'm not good enough to compete in Trials so I don't. In life it's called knowing ones limitations. Enjoy your Meta whiners. See you in D2. Try not to be so pathetically entitled in the next one. You can't get to the lighthouse because you are not good enough. You can't get to the lighthouse because you do not have enough skill. You can't get to the lighthouse because you don't deserve to go; and Osiris has deemed you unworthy. Now go cry into your pillows. 😐✋💥🎤 Edit: I want to thank everyone for the responses. I did not think this would get this much attention. I want to say, I would like to apologize for the aggressive tone of this post. It's not really me, I prefer being funny. I did go after the Devs hard after patch which is on this site. I posted this inflammatory topic to get people to read it. I believe the constant call for Nerfs and calling weapons OP is a big contributor to this present state of this meta. Which isn't great. I admit I went after one small, very vocal section of the community on purpose. Nerf herding is a problem. The list of problems with PVP in general are extensive. Many of you pointed them out. Lag and latency have always been terrible. Matchmaking is a joke. I often use my own KD as a joke to point out how unbalanced the matchmaking is. A player like me should never get a 5, 6, 10 KD in a game; but it happens. I also don't think I should ever get a .25, .50, .86 KD but in 6's it's going to happen. "We are rebalancing the teams" makes me cringe every time. As to paid carries, I have my own opinions on the subject I won't get into in detail. It exist. If the community has strong feelings one way or the other then they can petition Bungie and fight that fight themselves. "Sandbox Balancing". My personnel opinion is well documented on these forums. But, I'll share my opinion. Someone on this thread described Bungie's approach to balance being like "Doing brain surgery with a sledge hammer", or something to that effect. I agree with that statement. The special ammo nerf was radical to say the least. The shotgun nerf was asked for by I believe a majority of people, I was one, and needed to happen in some degree. (I am a shot gunner by the way and I thought it was a little out of hand). Mainly, we asked for buffs, got some and at the same time got a napalm strike worth of Nerfs to weapons and sub-classes. If anyone cares besides me Transfusion on Strikers is worthless now; but, I may be biased. Bungies practice of looking at weapon usage to determine nerfs is ridiculous. Truth and NLB are my examples. Let me try to explain why this is wrong. First let me say, I am not criticizing anyone on Youtube or Twitch. I enjoy weapon reviews myself. I like the insight. Here is where using a weapon rated as top tier and Bungies nerf hammer run into each other and create a problem. The Palindrome is great. It has been great forever. Most people didn't use it because you know, ugly. This last week many people have bought the Pali because of the vendor roll recommendations; which is almost identical to the same vendor roll which was available for the majority of last year. Now, I have an Imago Loop with the same roll. Works just as good as Pali and has the same range. So, if I am in a gunfight with another player and we start shooting each other at the same time we trade. Both great guns. Both can perform nearly the same. But, which one is going to get more use and in Bungies world possibly get nerfed? Palindrome, "Must be OP". I call this the Creatine Syndrome. If you are a top athlete, performing at the highest level of competition against others who are also in top physical form can chemical enhancements give you that .5% or 1% advantage to push you ahead of others and win? Yes. If you are a top player going up against other top 1% players is 10 more stability going to make a difference in a 1v1 situation to make you come out ahead? Possibly. If your an average player playing other average players is an Eyasluna going to make you "God Mode" and let you poop on everyone you play against? Absolutely not. So that practice of Bungie nerfing weapons based on weapon use is silly and negative to game balance in my opinion. I could go on about what's wrong with the Bungie Sandbox team but that would take way too long. So, to revert back to my normal self, I would like to discuss what I think is the biggest problem with Destiny PVP in general. T-bagging. There is an unacceptably low number of emotes available to the effectively express you got owned. Where is the "Ace Venture pelvic thrust" or the "taking a pee" emote. I would pay good money for that Bungie! This is an entire revenue stream you are not taking advantage of. So, sad. Anyway, thank you all for your responses whether you agreed with me, disagreed, wished cancer on me. I appreciate it. I do love this game and it's community. I have friends from America to Australia only because of this game. I hope in D2 we ban together as a community for positive changes to that game if needed instead of the salt. Thanks.

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  • Haven't played trials yet..... But I feel " Trials " is overrated..... Seems like Totentanz2112 is a " camping sniper or shotgun raider " I would like to see the stats of trials players and who is the best really..... I will try to play more trials.... lag or not lag..... True skill is best rewarded.

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