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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
5/8/2017 9:45:35 PM
[b]Chapter Twenty Two[/b] The boat made its way to the dark docks of the central isle of the Celtic continent. The boat was steel made and engine powered, so it didn't take long for Arianna, daughter of Irina, to figure out how to drive the vehicle. Along with her brother Isaac the two had made their way through the isle of Shrak and met none other than Felix Coldbourne, the crown prince of the Coldbourne Empire. The man challenged the two to purge his creations on the second isle, as well as the third. So, the two obliged. Now they were docking in front of a large and tall walled city. The isle was nearly complelty flat and its once green pastures that stretched as far as the eye could see turned dead and yellow. The docks were empty as the children stepped off onto them and looked at the flat city ahead of them. They saw the tall paved walls and the large gate at the head of the docks. It looked as if the large Castle of this isle was in the centre of the circular built city. The castle had three towers around its round shape and its centred roof was prism in shape and massive in scope. That must have been their destination [spoiler]For Orn [/spoiler]

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    "And thus, we have arrived." Isaac said as he looked upon the city, as Arianna silently followed behind him. His knee had been bandaged, while Arianna had mentioned feeling..."exceptionally furious", as she had said while the two were on the boat. Isaac himself didn't pay too much attention to it...yet he was bothered still.

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  • The city gloomed over them as they stood on the docks. The city walls did not look like they could be scaled. The place was a fortress, and would be tricker then Shrak. There was a large set of letters over the city gate, which read "Dagul."

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    "Dagul.." Isaac murmured, before Arianna pushed him aside. "Oh great, you're on your period-" "Shut up. We need to stay quiet." Arianna hissed, as she surveyed her surroundings a little more. She didn't want to head right in..

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  • But it started to look like there wasn't any other option. The walls were stone paved and would prevent climbing of any sorts. The door seemed to be the only way into the fortified city.

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  • [spoiler]This is Orny.[/spoiler] Arianna kept her mouth shut, as she then descended slowly into the city. She expected a trap or...something of the sort.

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  • As she walked up to the large door on the wall, she saw she would have to open it in order to actually enter the city.

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  • ((Should she just push it, or...?))

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  • ((That's what doors are for...also Isaac is hanging back for some reason.....)

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  • ((I know... ._.)) Sighing, Arianna merely placed her hands upon the door, pushing and groaning before Isaac joined her in the attempt to open it. The older of the two was much more tense, ready to leap out of the way.

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  • The two managed to push open the massive door, which revealed the complelty empty streets inside. The homes were made of stone and wood and were almost cozy to look at, if it weren't for the bloodstains. As the looked ahead they saw they stood on a wide straight road that lead directly to the castle in the centre of the city.

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  • Hesitantly, Arianna lead her younger brother through the streets, as Isaac drew his rifle and looked upon the buildings warningly. The two walked down the street without a word being spoken - they didn't want all hell to break loose.

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  • Edited by Inflatablepants: 5/10/2017 12:01:40 PM
    Unfortunately, they were at hell's door. The wide empty Main Street had side streets that branched off of it. These were cleared until the two made some way down the Main Street. Then, as the two walked through the street, they saw the horses fill the side side streets, thousands of the dead. They huddled together like a hive mind and didn't notice the two who walked past their street. [spoiler]RED ZONE[/spoiler]

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  • Arianna and Isaac didn't even need to exchange words to know that a mistake would lead to their deaths. Once they had merely glanced over at the zombies, they kept moving, at a considerably...slow pace. If anyone would've gotten out alive, Isaac would be Arianna.

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  • Suddenly, Isaac heard something from his right. "Psssst!" Someone said. As he turned however he could not see anyone there. "Pssst! Down here!" They said in a hushed voice. Isaac saw the voice came from a larger open sewer grate on the side of the road. Arianna and Isaac stood between two homes, so they wouldn't be spotted by the dead from where they stood.

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  • Isaac's eyes widened for a moment, as he silently signaled Arianna to the sewer grate through finger movements. The two approached, Isaac in the lead as he and Arianna looked into the depths of the grate.

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  • The grate seemed to be torn open as the bars upon it were pried apart. Isaac saw a man's face looking up at both of them. "Get off the street!" He whispered. "In here! Now!"

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  • "E-Erm.." Isaac's thought process was interrupted by Arianna literally pushing him in, as he fell into the sewer grate without injuring himself...too badly. Arianna slid into the entrance afterwards.

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  • The two landed in a dank brick laid sewer. The ground was moist and stained with a variety of different liquids while the lighting was dim at best. Then, ahead of them, was a group of Six people. Two were women, four were men. The women were both blond and wide hipped, typical for Celtic women as Arianna had figured out. Meanwhile the men were large and muscular and their ages varied. Two of the men had massive light machine guns while the other had a double barrelled shotgun. The women had ak-47's in hand. The shotgunner had long ginger hair and a scarred face as well as high cheekbones. One of the machine gunners were similar in their features, with their cheekbones lower and their face less covered in scars while the other gunner had bright blond hair and blue eyes with no scars to his face. The women were wide faced and pale with larger eyes. One of them had blue eyes while the other had hazel eyes. The looked at the newcomers suspiciously. The man with the shotgun then spoke. "Jaysus. You two kids are real idiots don't you think? Walking through town like that?" He asked them "At least they were quiet." The hazel eyed woman pointed out. "So they can't be completely stupid."

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  • "Idiots? Didn't know that there were a bunch of survivors down here..." Isaac murmured, studying the bunch before Arianna then spoke up, her voice light but serious. "They're Celtics, Isaac...and damn, they've had it rough."

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  • "That's putting it lightly." The blue eyed woman told Ari. "That being said we ought to know your names."

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  • "...Isaac." "Arianna. We're from the Dojo, here to take of the zombies and their conjurer.."

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  • The Celtics looked at each other for a moment of silence. Then the blond machine gunner spoke. "Ya, and I'm a muther fu[i]c[/i]king ballerina." This invoked the rest of the crew to chuckle as well, except for the man with the ginger hair and the shotgun. "That's an admirable goal. But you two are just children. You think we are gunna believe that you're part of the dojo? Right now, it looks like you kids are over your damned heads."

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  • "Best get to dancing than, ballerina-" "Arianna, shut it. Please." Isaac sighed, working out an explanation for the Celtic man. "Believe us or not, we're from the Dojo. Got stranded on Shraak, and we took care of the zombie issue there, or at least...the source of it."

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  • "What do you mean?" The shotgunner asked. "You two managed to save Shrak? Care to explain?"

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  • "Sure, sure. At the heart of Shraak, past all of the zombies and destruction, and in fact within the throne room, me and my sister encountered some...creature. It was feminine and dark, corrupted and impure at heart." "...Cleaved it's head off, and apparently...that stopped the zombies, and got us a visit from Felix Coldbourne...the jackass who started all of this." Arianna muttered, finishing the explanation.

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