For the love of the traveler find a way to separate PvP from PvE! Don't force change on the PvE end of the game just because PvP players can't accept that they got out played. I played the PvP and it is complete hive fodder! Please just keep balances separate or have separate gear drops that can only be used where it was obtained. I'd rather drink vex milk through the bone of a dead cabal before I have to go back into public PvP!
[spoiler]I really only enjoy privet matches because my group always agrees to some wacky challenge that makes the game fun to play[/spoiler]
I agree with the haters on this post about pve being easy with any gun even if it was nerfed cause of pvp, however I would still like to see the 2 seperate parts of the game Isn't destiny like the only game that as both in 1? Not much sense in nerfing a pvp gun problem and also nerfing it for pve that had no problems with the gun, it's just bungle being to lazy and giving no fks about the community imo