What was the best Meta that's been in Destiny? If I forgot one, let me know necause I seem to be repressing some memories of some of these.
read death was better in vanilla than in HoW
Queenbreakers bow Palindrome Ophidian aspect. Pre nerf ;)
Not sure if wormwood, icebreaker, stickies r the meta rn tbh. Not sure if there even is a set meta. I just use the same stuff as before: luna/palindrome/blind perdition/mida, matador/rarely sidearm/rarely icebreaker. Still feels the same to me imo.
Thorn/TLW were a problem, but that meta was far and away the best since other primaries were still highly effective outside of auto rifles.
In the games I've played recently, I haven't really seen any wormwoods, haven't been stuck once, and maybe died to an Icebreaker like... 3 times total. The current meta is the most balanced it's ever been. The HoW meta was a complete garbage fire.
This one right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n41PTcGRutk&t=5s I've never been a Meta weapon/Ability user :)