When an anti-sony fanboy tries to start a ridiculous war that wastes everyones' time, wasting his own worthless time as well.
It's true though... the backlog is real... ;-;
Is this a spookymythril ALT? ;-)
It's true. As far as game quality of exclusives goes, Sony is completely murdering Xbox. There's a reason PS4 has sold more than twice as many units worldwide as Xbox.
I am glad i switched to ps4 this gen ,because the exclusive games i liked on the xbox 360 were getting worse with every title . Besides i did not like the fact i had to buy a console with a kinect i did not want . I have not had a single regret i switched microsoft for sony (other then missing my online friends ,but that is not really relevant).
As far as i can tell backwards compatibility is the only thing Sony shot the bed on. I'll never trust Microsoft again after the bullshit they tried to pull with the one before the outrage changed their minds
Lol. This is how I see all fanboys.
PlayStation 4 needs a good exclusive FPS in my opinion
And the point of this is??? I'm a die-hard xbox player and ps4 so far has beat the shit out of xbox... It's not a debate... Xbox has been slowly coming back but I'm not sure console sales will ever even out... Talking shit on Sony for the amount of games they have just shines a light on how few xbox does...
I'm the dude on the left
Well I've seen that gif used on a PC, Xbox and now PS thread so far now all that's left is to come across one for Nintendo.
Well idk what's going on with that gif. But yeah I have way too many games on my PS4 that I still need to play/complete. I stopped buying games sometime last year.
"My piece of plastic is better than yours!" Shut up you child.
Looks like a great time to me