For the love of the traveler find a way to separate PvP from PvE! Don't force change on the PvE end of the game just because PvP players can't accept that they got out played. I played the PvP and it is complete hive fodder! Please just keep balances separate or have separate gear drops that can only be used where it was obtained. I'd rather drink vex milk through the bone of a dead cabal before I have to go back into public PvP!
[spoiler]I really only enjoy privet matches because my group always agrees to some wacky challenge that makes the game fun to play[/spoiler]
The only thing i dont get is why PvE problems go widely ignored while PvP problems are normally dealt with. Crota is still a buggy raid, captains still get stuck in walls at aksis, skeleton keys still can't be transferred on the app, and memory of radegast still never recieved a fix for ammo carrying. And there are alot of weapons that get nerfed simply because of pvp, why dont we ever get PvE only buffs. Sidearms as a whole are extremely underpowered, fusions cant compete with shotguns and snipers in terms of dps, vex mythoclast holds so little ammo, and hand cannons are the only primary to consistently run out of ammo. Im not saying let PvP burn for the sake of PvE, but why is PvE put on the back burner only to have glaring issues never fixed. Just because PvE is easy doesnt mean its problems should be overlooked.