My dog, Sir Hannz Vönn Mancannonon, was diagnosed with type-3 weaponized acoustism due to constant exposure to the Internet. The picture above is my most current picture I have of him. Sir Honns Vürny Macaronions condition is deteriorating quickly. Just recently, he has started to create internet rants about both political parties in the U.S. and started to call everything that he hates "Hitler". Please, Sir Hern Vanary Mitochondriaon isn't showing any signs of getting better, even with me trying to expose him to common sense and logic. Even the exorcism preformed by that paraplegic one-armed priest hasn't helped. Please pray for him.
[quote]If i pray to tree jesus hard enough, they will both die [/quote] [spoiler]Yay! Tree jesus![/spoiler]
... Clearly I'm missing the joke here...
Have you tried tiger balm?
My dogs name is also Hanzel Vërnz Meatyclaws, prayers are being sent his way 🎺
Top tier shitpost. [spoiler]Making Memes Since '02.[/spoiler]
[i]This[/i] is what you call a quality sh[b]i[/b]tpost.
What dog breed is that?
10/10, 10/10
I'd eat that doge...
Somehow I knew this was gonna be a shitpost.
And people said they preferred the political discussion over works of art such as this. Quality shitposting maymays
Edited by IamCOMPLX: 5/13/2017 4:43:33 PM[i][/i]
Edited by Onxide: 5/12/2017 9:47:03 PMJust put the poor thing out of its misery m8
Does he have offtopicism
Acoustic lives matter
I will pray you take him to my favorite restaurant, they pay by the pound!
My kinda post
Code of Conduct - old
*appualds -
Ban the internet!
What a stupid -blam!-ing name you must be -blam!-ing stupid for naming your -blam!-ing dog such a -blam!-ing stupid name
Only thing you can is take it outside and shoot it..