Fellow nerds,
After scrolling through the forum looking for a clan to call home I realized something. They were all either super serious, to the point I was questioning virginity or completely too lax and welcoming that just reminded me of the bleeding liberals I facepalm daily from. So I guess I'm here looking for a clan that is rough around the edges and does not care about people's feelings. I want some people that I can embrace the suck with when it comes to all aspects of the game, raids, crucible, etc. Honestly, if I had a "spirit animal" it would probably be a wasp because wasps are aholes. I need a clan that's a nest of wasps. So I ask, who's clan could handle a jerk like me that is a perfect even of serious and passive. (all depending on the amount of alcohol ingested that night) my platform is Xbox, 398 titan, and if I die it's the games fault, never mine. Any takers?
The Speakers Secret Stash Group of clans is Recruiting! Clan motto: Quit the bitchin' and let's play some Destiny! PS4 and Xbox One. We are a mature active clan of over 900 members on ps4 and 180 on Xbox one. The PS4 clan is well established and has been operating successfully for over a year(formed during House of Wolves DLC). The Xbox clan is a much newer enterprise and has been a resounding success so far. We hope to expand our community throughout Age of Triumph and into Destiny 2 Featured on Guardian Radio episode 145 clan spotlight. And episode 174 for the new Xbox clan. And also featured in Cozmo's Unite The Clans article back in April 2016. https://www.bungie.net/Mobi/en/About/News?id=44665&transparent=true We promote a helpful & friendly clan ethos to our members. And stipulating light lvls & weapon requirements are banned for all events. We understand the frustrations of people from LFG groups and our Fireteams will not exclude people for these reasons. We are ideally looking for active passionate guardians who would be active in our community & willing to help out your clanmates where needed. Why join us? Ever got tired of running solo? Ever been excluded from LFG pick up groups due to ridiculous requirements? Is your friends list sparse and you have no friends to run with? We can certainly help with all of these problems! We are an active Destiny community that's helpful and free from elitism whatever your skill level you are welcome to join. There will never be any requirements often seen in LFG forums. Within our BAND community you'll have access to our large member base which is completely free to join! Our Community Band is open to all, and clan tagged members have access to clan exclusive Bands for your respective console. Within Our BAND Community’s you'll have access to a number of chat forums including, A general Destiny chat for all things Destiny An PvE LFG chat for strikes/patrol/forge and quests A dedicated Raid LFG chat for Raid Fireteams A dedicated PvP LFG chat for all Crucible Fireteams Off topic chats for everything but Destiny Other games were playing together And a lore chat if you like poring over Destiny’s story in detail The events calendar on the forums wall is also a great feature to organise Raids ahead of time. Set up an event, a time, an rsvp, and people will sign up. And BAND change event times to users time zones to avoid confusion. Joining The BAND chat is very important to our growing community and we will only accept members who join our chat. And it's important to continue to use the chat once you join. It's all about the end game! Joining the Stash will give you an opportunity to form new friendships and form regular Fireteams with your fellow clan mates! Tackle the Raids, Iron Banner, Trials of Osiris and private matches! For those looking to Raid, perhaps for the first time the clan has a dedicated coaching team that will offer its services to anyone struggling to get to grips with the raids and will teach you the encounters and the mechanics to give you the knowledge and confidence to go on and become a competent raider. If Pvp is your thing then you'll be able to find like minded people here, whether you are looking to go flawless in Trials of Osiris, find a full team for Iron Banner or partake in clan tournaments then we can fulfil your pvp needs. If you are looking to improve in the Crucible our newly formed ‘Crucible Consultants’ will help you improve be it advice on loadouts, map knowledge or gameplay critique these guys are the best PvP guys the clan has to offer and they'll gladly share their knowledge of PvP Top that off a number of of our members spend their weekends helping people to go flawless in trials, the list is long and you aren't guaranteed a 9-0 card but if they can help a Guardian get to the Lighthouse for the first time they are always up for a challenge. Send all join requests here https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1113023 Our Band chat is now Open to Everyone Come join us here. http://band.us/@thespeakersstash Band can be downloaded here to your respective device. http://band.us/en Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/speakersstash Check out our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBVVF8HKCNEBLvcf4dgzMsg Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheSpeakersSecretStash/ Also our twitch channel is fairly active with regular streams from our members. https://www.twitch.tv/the_speakers_stash it auto hosts some of our more active streamers. If you love those salty messages from other players you rekt in Crucible send them to us and we'll post them on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/badmanneredgamers/ If you want to read all this in a snazzy google doc format you can here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ju_fExyZcDqmhNebmpfSQTefcFOk4L0uwYo7BOMis-g