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Edited by Zawackiest: 5/13/2017 8:39:17 PM

What the New Subclass/Class Icons Mean For the Lore

WARNING: DESTINY 2 SPOILERS AHEAD! [spoiler] [/spoiler] For those who don't know, GameStop has accidentally leaked some Destiny 2 merchandise on their website. The merchandise has been taken off of the website, but I will leave a link to some pictures so you can see. Now, to the main topic of this post: What do the new icons mean for the Lore of Destiny? As seen in the pictures, Hunters have a serpent, Titans have a lion and Warlocks have an vulture. This means that either the classes or subclasses will be related to these animals. Now, how did we get these abilities? We don't know. However, we can make a few solid guesses. [b]1. The Traveler-[/b] This one is fairly obvious, but could have one of the biggest impacts on the Lore as a whole. When the Traveler went dormant during the Collapse, it created our Ghosts. With these Ghosts came our connection to the light. For our subclasses to change, something BIG must happen to the Traveler or our Ghosts. We do see the Traveler being "shielded" by the Cabal, so it is possible that it wakes and releases another wave of light, imbuing us with new powers. [b]2. The Ahamkara-[/b] If the Cabal severe our connection to the Traveler, we will need a new way to access abilities. I believe that our Guardian may seek out the Ahamkara to strike a deal for new powers. As we know from many Grimoire cards and flavor-texts, the Ahamkara were known as "Wish Dragons" and would grant the wishes of those that asked. We see this in action with the Knuckles of Eao item, which will grant extra loot in a raid, while saying "Your wish has been granted." What makes this theory even more interesting would be that the Guardians hunted the Ahamkara to near extinction. Their reaction to our wish would most likely be "extreme." If the Cabal severe our connection to the Traveler and Ghosts, it is possible that we would seek out the "Wish Dragons" for new powers. [b]3. Bungie-[/b] This theory is probably the most likely of them all. For casual or new players who do not know the lore, they will have no clue as to what the Ahamkara are or what the "Wish Dragons" are. There is the very distinct possibility that there may be no explanation at all. However, this would leave a gaping hole in the lore, which is definitely not good. I hope I summed up why we may have these new subclasses as best as possible. All of these theories will have a huge impact on the lore. Remember, this is all still speculation and we may hear differently during the reveal stream on Tuesday. Go ahead and comment your theory as well!

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  • #speculation

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  • Wrong. It means there will be hats!

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  • Pure belligerence and ignorance. Wait for the reveal and ignore these misinformed speculations.

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  • [quote]What the New Class/Subclass Icons Mean For the Lore[/quote] [spoiler]Nothing?[/spoiler]

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  • As stated already, these images are OLD and have been used on class items almost since Day One. Youtubers are starved for content right now and desperate as hell to keep their revenue flowing. Speculation is rampant and quality content is pretty rare these days.

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    6 Replies
    • We gonna screw ourselves over in D3 if we go looking for Ahamkara. Also, what if we used subclasses based on enemies?

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      • They are class symbols. Why else would the speaker be selling items with those symbols?

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      • I blame crappy youtubers, My Name is Byf didnt fall for that...others i think they did video saying this could be subclass related just to get more views and likes. Since the start, back in 2014, those creatures are related to those classes. You see them in their gear. You never saw the speakers cloack? Vulture and TwinEagle bonds? Dont say you didnt know titans were natural leaders...your war general is a titan. All this is just to get hype up and for youtubers its just more money.

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        1 Reply
        • It's all idiotic speculation from Youtubers trying to make it another week without having to leave their home and finding a real job.

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        • Edited by Steve Zahn : 5/15/2017 3:44:52 PM
          This isn't giving any "new" subclass info. These animals have always represented the classes since year one. Ever seen the speakers class items? YouTubers are just trying to lure people in to get more money

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        • I heard alot for warlocks but not vulture lol. It's most likely a Phoenix right?

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          • The animals were already confirmed to not be related to new subclasses

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          • Edited by Snake: 5/15/2017 12:47:34 AM
            here's what i would like them to be: warlock (a pheonix? possibly a solar subclass) possibly a healer class this time? hunter (snake, possibly a void subclass) possibly a poison user or enemy debuffer this time? titan (lion, possibly an arc subclass) possibly a ally buffer class this time? i would love to see these type of class specific roles this time rather than the current classes where: the warlock is the most balanced class with low to mid level damage overall. while the hunter is fast and fairly easy to kill again with low to mid level damage overall and the titan being fast and having high damage and having high defence on top of that. this could potentially make the classes more balanced than they have previously been, if they are adding new subclasses to destiny 2, i would also like to see an ice (debuff) subclass along with a healer subclass along with a non elemental (kenetic based) subclass that is good against all other shield types.

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            8 Replies
            • Or quite simply the animals are tied to the type of class. Hunter are snakes, they are crafty, stealthy and can strike from the shadows. Titans are lions as they are leaders, tanks and bold. Ready to pounce and get up and close with their target. Warlocks have a Phoenix. Magic. That is all. Why do people have to look into it so deeply? The animals are just a symbol to describe the type of class (Hunter, Titan and Warlock). Obvious.

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              24 Replies
              • Nah those are just pictures of the error codes you'll get when you log in.

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                • Just saying, all three of these animals are already associated with our classes.

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                • Why is it everyone declares themselves a lore master keep bringing things like "Oh we're gonna hunt the ahamkaras" or "we will get new powers from the ahamkaras" but forget this: From the first Warlock Ghost Fragment "The Cryptarchs weren't going to miss it. Everyone knows [b]the Ahamkaras were hunted to extinction[/b]. There's nothing to be afraid of anymore." Do you people not know what extinction is?

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                  12 Replies
                  • Automatically assuming those signify subclasses is a HUGE stretch. Who's to say they don't signify literally anything else we already know about from D1? Factions? Three new vanguard masters? Stuff like this ruins the hype Andi garuntee there will be a post somewhere saying "I want my blam-ing raven subclass BUNGO YOU LIED" when they literally didn't say anything.

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                  • New specs for classes include a pet class. Titans get a Lynx type Creature, Hunters get a large slinking reptile and Warlocks get an alien raven type flying creature. They are not Class symbols. We already know what those are.

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                    14 Replies
                    • Edited by GuardianzofWar: 5/14/2017 8:45:27 PM
                      Gamestop didn't accidently leak these..It was intentional and Bungee told them, too.

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                    • It should be obvious that the new subclass logos correspond to new class vehicles that join together to form Voltron. 😬

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                      3 Replies
                      • I hope it's #2.

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                      • The warlock hat is an eagle not a vulture.

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                        6 Replies
                        • [quote]WARNING: DESTINY 2 SPOILERS AHEAD! [spoiler][/quote] Are you all forgetting this gem

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                          3 Replies
                          • Wow are you saying that we are going to have new content in a new game?!

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                            • Zords confirmed.

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