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Edited by Shadow, The One and Many: 6/24/2017 11:38:47 PM

Another idea for a raid boss

Hey guys! I'm back at it with another raid boss please let me know what you think about it and if you have any feedback, I would greatly appreciate it :) Raid boss: Kairos, Darkness' Supplicant (Kairos means Time Bender) With the use of the studies from Quira, Blade Transform, Kairos has gathered enough information for him to replicate some of the abilities of the Hive, such as the ogres beam and the shrieker's blast. The closer he gets to the Darkness, or in Kairos terms, The Deep, the stronger he gets. He must be stopped before he turns his scrying eye towards The Light. Setting: Okay, so for this part, think of how the Nexus' platform looks like. However, there is no beam in the middle, instead, this is where Kairos spawns and the ground is flat. Along with Kairos' spawn, there will be a dark liquid in the center (this is where the ads will spawn). There are 8 tall pillars that surround the area and are evenly spaced out, they will mean something soon. Enemies: Kairos spawns in once every guardian is at the checkpoint. You see him kneeling from afar. Once you activate the battle, he'll tilt his head up and his three hive-like eyes will stare at you, with the intent to kill. He'll then make a teletransportation to the battlefield whilst making a huge impact on the ground and a loud roar. He wields a slap rifle on his right hand and the shrieker's ability in his left hand. Thus, it would be wise not to poke your head out for too long. At first, it will be just Kairos and a few major Goblins with some slap rifles every so often. They will continue to spawn from the center of the field. Mechanics: Kairos starts the battle off with an ability call *Kairos superiority* which means he gains a black shielded aura around him and is practically immune to everything. We only do 1 to 2 damage towards him. Over time, Kairos will use one of his abilities, a text will pop up saying *Kairos' Might* and then a time limit (60 seconds) will appear. There will now be a minotaur that spawns on each pillar. During this time, Kairos cannot hit you for he is using his powers on the Minotaurs There are three types of minotaurs that will spawn: Prime Minotaur Alpha Minotaur Omega Minotaur Each of these Minotaurs carry a special job that will be given to the Guardians The Prime Minotaurs will give the guardians the ability to temporarily suppress his attacks The Alpha Minotaur gives the guardians the ability to stop him from teleporting away from us when we need to dps (I'll get to that) The Omega Minotaur gives the guardians the ability to have kairos vulnerable to our attacks. Taking too long to kill the Minotaurs makes them sacrifice themselves to the pillars. Once you kill a Minotaur, you can only stand on the pillar it was on! WHICH MEANS, COMMUNICATION IS VITAL! YOU MUST CALL OUT WHICH MINOTAURS YOU ARE KILLING FOR EACH RUN SO YOU DON'T MESS UP! When you do the next run and the Minotaurs spawn in, you can't kill the same one, you must kill a different one. The debuffs: *Alpha Superiority*, *Omega Superiority*, *Prime Superiority* will make the respective Minotaur that you previously killed immune, thus, making you have to kill a different Minotaur. If 4 minotaurs sacrifice, Kairos gains a debuff called *True Darkness* and your team gets wiped from existence. In order for you to gain the buffs of the minotaurs, you must kill them and then stand on the pillar. Once everyone is on a pillar, you must hold square/X in order to activate the buff. A beam from each pillar that a guardian was standing on shoots straight at Kairos NOTE THAT YOU MUST HAVE 2 OF ALL THREE BUFFS IN ORDER TO ACTUALLY DAMAGE HIM FOR ONE OF EACH BUFF IS NOT SUSTAINABLE Failure to activate the Alpha Minotaur buff: He will constantly be teletransportating, making it extremely tough dps. Failure to activate the Prime Minotaur buff: Kairos will be attacking you rapidly with is slap rifle only (think of The Templar when someone stands on where he wants to teletransport, yeah, that fast). Failure to kill the Omega Minotaur: Well, this one is self explanatory. A guardian can only have one buff at a time You will have 40 - 45 seconds to do damage to Kairos.This will be known as *Downfall*. Once this is done the guardians cannot have the same buffs as they had in the previous run, which means they have to kill a different Minotaur. Once Kairos gets to half health, he gains an ability called *deterioration* which means that for every run, you now lose a fourth of your health bar, which means you better kill him quick. First run: Just Goblins that are majors Second run: Axis Harpies and Supplicants start to spawn Third run: 2 Praetorians spawn every so often and this continues throughout the rest of the runs Rinse and repeat. Right before he dies, Kairos uses his final ability called *Scato of Kairos* in which he will try to end this timeline from existence before you kill him in all timelines. HARD MODE: Instead of A shrieker's ability in his left hand, he wields the power of an Ogre's Beam. Kairos gains an ability at the beginning of the battle known as *Strategos of Kairos*. Also, *Deterioration* begins at the beginning of the battle. This gives him the ability to bring a clone of him into our realm as support. He looks a but darker and has a white aura instead of a black one. This clone will not be bounded by *Kairos' Might*, thus he can shoot the guardians during this time, however; he does half damage to all guardians. 2 Praetorians will spawn non-stop right from the beginning of the battle and will be running to the pillars so they can lock them, thus, preventing the guardians from killing whatever Minotaur is there and landing on the pillar. There will only be 6 Minotaur on the pillars instead of 8, which limits extra minotaurs in case there was a mistake in killing the wrong one. Every minotaur that makes a sacrifice counts as 2 sacrifices. Once you get on the pillars, you activate the ability and destroy the clone. We then have to get off the pillars and let 6 more Minotaurs spawn in within 60 seconds (because of *Kairos' might*) and kill them and step on the pillars to dps Kairos NOTE: you MUST switch buffs EVERYTIME, even after the clone The ability automatically destroys the clone, no dps is needed. Rinse and repeat. CHALLENGE MODE: You can't attack Kairos with the Prime Minotaur's buff ;) Let me know what you guys think! :)

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  • Edited by megatron pants: 5/31/2017 10:19:40 PM

    Started a new topic: Xenor, World's Executioner (a fan-made Hive raid boss)(7 Replies))

  • Edited by rickylumic 77: 5/16/2017 9:59:21 PM
    I also have an idea for a raid encounter. Dyra'an, Siege Commandant: Part 1: [spoiler]This would be the raid's start, in a dusky red Martian valley. In the valley's centre is a hexagonal Cabal machine structure. Upon someone getting near the machine, Cabal start to flood the valley, dropping in from Harvesters. In every Harvester, a Scout Infiltrator (a type of Psion) will spawn. Half the team have to hold down three plates at equidistant point around the arena. With all three active, the machine will start to glow. The other half have to find and kill the Scout Infiltrators. They are small and their aim is to run up to Guardians and use their shockwave, which immobilises you for a short time. Killing an Infiltrator gives you a Security Pass. Once all three people have the Pass, they need to meet at the central machine. With all three standing next to it, and the other three on the plates, the machine will start activating, using up the Security Passes. This process then needs to be repeated. When 15 Passes have been used up, the machine will activate fully, lighting up green. All 6 people now need to stand around the hexagonal structure. One person has to insert their Ghost to hack it, then all will be fighting a large wave of Cabal. If one person steps away from their side, the machine will take longer to hack. After an optimal time of 90 seconds, the machine will power down and descend into the sand. Loot is given. [/spoiler] Part 2: [spoiler]Large double doors open and Dyra'an, Siege Commandant, charges out. He is a massive Centurion type with bulky silver armour. Four Harvesters drop a Tank from the sky and Dyra'an enters it. The battle starts. The first phase of the fight is simple survival. To get Dyra'an to the next phase you have to wait. Unfortunately, this means in this time he will charge at you in the Tank, summon Cabal, and be difficult to avoid. After a few minutes, the plates from the first phase will appear again, now in random spots in the valley. Three people need to run to a plate each. This will cause a beam of light from each plate to hit the Tank and follow it. The message "Cabal network accessed" will appear. To get Dyra'an vulnerable, you need to lure him onto the central machine while the beams of light are upon him. One person should get his attention by shooting his legs, then stand on the centre to get him to charge at them. If this succeeds, the beams of light will intensify and the Tank will spark, becoming vulnerable. The message "Ghost hack successful!" will appear. During the 30 second damage phase, the Tank will randomly charge around the valley, forcing you to be constantly mobile. Both Dyra'an's head and the Tank legs are critical spots. Repeat at least 4 times (he has a large health pool) to destroy Dyra'an. The Tank will destruct, forcing you to find shelter somewhere or risk dying. Loot is given. [/spoiler] Challenge Mode: All enemies but Dyra'an must die before the beams of Light are activated. This means a far more hectic first phase, as you only have a few seconds to get on the plates when they appear before you wipe.

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    1 Reply
    • Like this :)

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      • Remember, a boss doesn't have to have a complicated fight to be memorable. A perfect example of this, to me, is the Zu Pharg from Xenoblade Chronicles X.

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        2 Replies
        • No..... You want real bosses, just lift any of the bosses from Dark Souls and make them bullet sponges with attitude. I'd rather go up against something that is constantly in my face and is actively trying to kill me then having to jump from platform to platform with a f*cking orb that I need to slam dunk in order to do DPS on a big enemy that is just standing in the center of the room

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          4 Replies
          • How about a giant version of Cozmo? He can only be killed by any nerfed weapon in the game

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            • Thank you for your effort. Russell Dalrimple no longer runs this company. I am in charge now. Unfortunately, this is one of the projects that Russell and I did not see eye to eye on. We're passing.

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              4 Replies
              • As I re-read this, I noticed something, in normal mode Kairos has a shrieker's ability and in hard mode he has an ogre's beam. The ogre's beam would completely wreck anyone outside of cover, but the shrieker's ability does massive damage even if your in cover, so I just thought that a shrieker's ability would be for hard mode, but maybe I'm not understanding it, is the beam as powerful as, say, Golgoroth's or Kovik's Monster's?

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                2 Replies
                • I like the idea, but I'm not sure if 'Kairos' means 'Time Bender'. At best, it could mean 'the right moment', but still... [spoiler]Said the man who knows Ancient Greek.[/spoiler]

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                  6 Replies
                  • Turning his scrying eye? Where have I seen that before. Lost to light, that's where

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                    3 Replies
                    • Question: have you thought of what the other bosses would be? Or is it sort of like Crotas end but without the Deathsinger? On a side note: now when I try to think of my own Vex raid boss, this is all I think about because it's so good!

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                      • [quote]Kairos means Time Bender[/quote]Is this true, or is this just something you came up with?

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                        4 Replies
                        • Reaaaaally good. Thoroughly thought out.

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                          • Sounds really cool and fun. Hope we get something like this in the future

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                            • Edited by Guardian1003: 5/15/2017 4:28:01 AM
                              What type of vex is he? Until you reply I'm gonna assume he is a Minotaur because he has hands unlike the Hydra type and he has three eyes just like all minotaurs he also has special minotaur minions and most vex bosses are minotaurs or Hydras.I think this is a interesting idea but maybe to much happens during the fight mechanics.Also if you have time maybe say what loot we get and what quests we can get from it and what the rest of the raid will be and if there is any chest.

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                              • this is obviously a rip off of clash of clans stealing the clone spell you bastard [spoiler](:[/spoiler]

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                                • The idea is good but there is way too much going on. Scrap the health bar reduction because if you get to the praetorians. Your going to die so your forcing people to do it in a certain amount of steps. Having two weapons for a boss is abit overkill. Maybe he switches to different styles of abilities forcing different strategies?

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                                  4 Replies
                                  • Sounds cool. Interesting to think of fake lore now

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                                    1 Reply
                                    • Wow, this would be cool. I'd love to try it if it was real. Also, I came up with a raid boss too (sadly it's a Hive), it's name is Xenor, World's Executioner. P.s. I like the idea of a clone

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                                      4 Replies
                                      • Awesome good work again

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                                        • Interesting. I like the idea. Do you have any drawings of what the boss might look like?

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