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Edited by The Muzzy98: 5/14/2017 5:51:22 PM

Tales From Twilight - Part 1

[spoiler]The story in Tales From Twilight takes place before the events of [url=]Fireteam Ashen[/url].[/spoiler]"Now, I know it's been a little longer than I had originally intended, but your boy Avesk is back with another story of my daring heroics!" "Is this like your retelling of the Chamber of Night fiasco? Because Patriot told me what you said, and I can't think of anything that is more inaccurate than the-" "Shut up Validus, can't you see that these people are eager for a story?" Avesk gestured around the lounge at the small mass of people huddled around the Hunter. Validus glanced around at the group of excited faces. He let out a sigh and lowered himself into a comfy chair, the heavy plasteel plates of his armor shifting as he descended. "I'll be asking around the Tower about this later, so this story better be accurate." He grumbled. "Relax, I was actually at this one." Avesk replied. Validus reeled in confusion for a moment. "But you were at Chamber of Night too, and your story was nothing like the real thing! If you honestly expect me not to question the legitimacy of your storytelling, then maybe..." He trailed off as he felt the combined glares of all the other occupants of the lounge. "Never mind," he gulped," carry on." Avesk smiled and clicked his fingers. "Bartender," He shouted, "bring me a drink!" A minute later, a frame shuffled to Avesk and handed him a glass filled with a brown liquid. Avesk took a small sip and rested the glass on an end table. He settled back into his chair and smiled good-naturedly. "No doubt many of you have heard of the Battle of Twilight Gap. It's the largest battle in the City's history," Avesk began, "but what you might not have known is that one of the many brave Guardians fighting in the battle was yours truly." / Avesk stared through the scope of his sniper rifle, surveying the landscape. Golden sunlight illuminated the patch of wilderness far below. The occasional flock of birds traversed the sky, followed with a pack of Fallen Skiffs. "See anything?" A deep voice asked. "Just a few Fallen patrols." Avesk replied. "Nothing special." "And?" "And they're coming right for us." "Again?" The voice asked. "That's the third time this month! Avesk get down here, and call some Hawks. Sands and I can hold them off." "You got it, boss." Avesk answered. He lowered his Sniper Rifle as his Ghost digitalized the weapon into his inventory. He jumped and pulled himself onto the roof of the gondola he was using as a perch. From there, he blinked into the air and grabbed hold of one of the supporting wires, sliding down until he reached the ground. "This is Avesk from Fireteam Geode to the Tower requesting assistance." "What seems to be the trouble, Avesk?" "We have another Fallen patrol en route for outpost Frontier." Avesk responded. "Again?" The voice answered on the comms, "We'll have reinforcements right over." Avesk closed the channel and ran to the outside portion of the outpost. Three Fallen Skiffs descended and rested in the air, dropping a wave of Fallen troops. His teammates stood on the center bridge, waiting expectantly for the Fallen to approach them. The one on the left was a man of massive proportions: Hadrian, the Fireteam Leader. He was covered in a gold and red robe and exuded an air of importance. Hadrian always joked that his Ghost had accidentally resurrected him as a Warlock instead of a Titan. The result was a mountain of a man with inhuman strength and intellect. On the right, stood Falahna "Sands" San. She was every bit as muscular as Hadrian, but possessed strength even greater than his, as all Titans inevitably do. She rarely talked, but could always be trusted to get the job done. In a tense moment, she was the one who could always be counted on. The last member of the team approached his Fireteam. Avesk, while not as old as either of his companions, had seen his fair share of action as a Guardian of The Last City. Adorned by a flowing cape, Avesk always insisted that he was more fabulous than his teammates. He was more serious than the facetious Hadrian, but more talkative and understandable than the ever-impassive Sands. He was the perfect median between the two. "Your orders?" Falahna spoke, staring at the group of approaching Fallen. "Kill 'em, of course." Hadrian grinned and launched himself into the air. Holding his hands back, he gathered the void into his hand and thew the ball of energy at the Fallen. The purple bomb of energy burrowed into the mass of invaders and exploded brightly, disintegrating anyone unfortunate enough to have gotten caught in the blast zone. The Voidwalker landed in the middle of the new crater. He grinned wildly under his helmet and rushed off to find more prey. The remaining Fallen quickly hid inside the cover of the two train tunnels at the opposing ends of the outpost. "Hey Fala, do you want the right tunnel, or the left tunnel?" Avesk asked. The Titan wordless sprinted down the right side of the bridge in response. "I guess that answers my question, then." Avesk muttered to himself. He dashed off to the left side and began ripping through the Dregs and Shanks hiding in the tunnel. A shot from a wire rifle buzzed over his shoulder and Avesk quickly slid behind the safety of a crate. Ghost transmatted his sniper rifle into his waiting hands. The Hunter popped out from his cover, aimed and fired. The Vandal dropped to the ground. Avesk heard the roar of the Captain and the buzz of more Shanks. "We're not done here yet, guys." Avesk said to his teammates. The Captain and Shanks rushed towards the Hunter. Avesk ducked behind cover again, and pulled out his trusty rocket launcher. He leaned out, aimed at the ground beneath his enemy's feet and fired. The rocket soared through the air and burst in the middle of the pack of Fallen. The blast left no survivors. "I'm clear over here, how about you guys?" Avesk asked as he stowed away his rocket launcher. Sands spoke quietly, "I'm done too." There was response from Hadrian. "Hadrian, come in." "Sorry about that." A Ghost's voice came on over the comms. "We're just about done here, but Guardian Hadrian is enjoying himself a little too much." Avesk shook his head and grinned. "That man's a savage. Meet you guys outside when you're done?" Hadrian said nothing. Falahna grunted. "I'm going to take that as a yes."[quote]Chapter continued in the [url=]comments[/url][/quote]

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  • Avesk jogged towards the center of the bridge. He heard and shout and looked off the bridge to see Hadrian gleefully pummeling some Fallen. Realizing the Battle was lost, the three Skiffs began to withdraw their troops and retreat. The last Fallen attempted to flee, but the Warlock thrust out his palm and a short distance away, the dreg vaporized in a flash of purple. Hadrian dusted his hands and noticed Avesk watching. "Enjoying the show?" He asked cheerfully. "I-" Avesk began to reply, but was interrupted by the sound of approaching ships. "Hey, look what finally arrived." Hadrian remarked. Two Hawks swooped overhead and began giving chase to the Fallen Skiffs. Together, they managers to gun down one of the Skiffs, sending it hurtling down into the lake far below. The other two managed to put enough distance between the outpost that the Hawks didn't follow. "Attention Fireteam Geode." One of the Hawk pilots said to the team. "You've been ordered to return to the Tower. Saladin wants a report on the attack. You know how he is. We'll keep watch here in the meantime." The Hawks descended to the ground and opened up their holds, releasing about a dozen armed frames each. "You got it." Hadrian replied. Without another word, Geode summoned their ships and made way for the City. / "I'm decommissioning Outpost Frontier." The gruff Titan said. "Whoa there, Saladin." The voice of the Vanguard Hunter replied. "Don't you think that's a bit of a hasty decision? The Fallen are probably just trying to get at the salvage we have at Frontier. It's no big deal. We just post some Frames as added security to aid the active Fireteam, and it's fine." Saladin shook his head. "No Andal, this is unusually behavior for the Fallen. To attack once, even twice is normal for the Fallen. Three attacks in such a short span of time is irregular. And they're getting closer to the City as well. Something big is coming, and I want to be ready for it." Andal sighed. "Fine, you're the boss. I guess you would know more about this than me, with you being an Iron Lord and all." "Yes," Saladin replied, "I would." "So, what do you want us to do?" Hadrian asked. "Now that Outpost Frontier is no longer active, you'll remain here in the Tower." "What?" Hadrian argued, "That's boring." "I don't care." Saladin answered. "Fine." Hadrian snapped. "We'll be here when you pull your head out of your ass." "You know nothing!" Saladin roared. "I've been alive before the City was even built. I have more experience agains the Fallen than you ever will. I've lead charges against Fallen houses and defended the Iron Temple against multiple attacks. I fought at the Battle of Six Fronts. I have hundreds of years worth of knowledge on warfare and on the Fallen. That is why the Consensus put me in charge of City defense and not you." Hadrian and Saladin glared daggers at each other for a very long time. Finally, Hadrian turned and stomped out of the Vanguard Hall, his robes swirling around him. Avesk and Falahna awkwardly followed him out. / "What happened next?" Validus asked, bringing Avesk's mind back to the present. "Twilight Gap. Me and my team were sent to reinforce one of the City's gun positions. They were starting to get overrun, and they wanted our help." Avesk glanced up at bartender. "I need another drink."

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