Remember this critical thing about graduation speeches: NO ONE GIVES ANYTHING REMOTELY RESEMBLING A -blam!-. Seriously, they don't. Graduation speeches are just an annoying obstacle keeping students from getting their damn diplomas already. Graduations are almost never comfortable for the audience, either. You're sitting on these cramped, ass hurting bleachers, parents are desperately trying to keep their little kids from screaming, and graduations are almost never air conditioned, so everyone's sweating in their uncomfortable nice clothes. Make your speech short. Just hit all the cliches ("I learned and grew so much during my time at this wonderful school...") and be done in 2 minutes or less. Because, and I really can't stress this enough, [b]NO[/b] [i][b]ONE[/b][/i] [u][i][b]CARES[/b] [/i][/u].
End it with the bel air thingo
Just remember that everyone except your parents will be tuned out the entire time. Go out with a bang, and just say you have no speech and get off the stage. The students will love it.
Good luck m8. no screw ups and you get a cookie.
Wow were both same
You have to go out with a bang. May I suggest some c4 and a radical Muslim teaching you?
Tell them jews did 9/11
Talk about your mum
Don't cry like the one girl from my high school who had to do it.
Just copy the speech from Independence Day
What an opportunity. Make it good and you become legend.
Just be you
As you walk off the stage, shout "TAXATION IS THEFT!" The teachers will love it.
How about you speak about how your faith in humanity was lost after coming on here and seeing Krishnas post stuff after he failed the modern educational system?
Start with I LOVE DONUTS!! Then end it with (school name) RULES!!
Do you have a script or do you make it up?
Alahu Akbar?
Edited by WickedNavajo: 5/17/2017 4:30:51 AMWell to start, are you given guidelines on what should be in your speech? Are you given a script? Or do you have to figure out what to write yourself? I'd imagine they're expecting it to be kind of motivational for all the people who just spent however many years studying and stressing and such for a college degree. Or high school, since you don't say whether it's high school or college.
Edited by FoodMonger52: 5/17/2017 4:21:45 AMLEEEEROY JEEEENKINZ!! You are a brave young man asking offtopic for tips on valedictorian speeches.
Leroy Jenkinz
come out of the closit ok ? ok ur gay