I know we have a few snipers that are of that archetype, but I would really appreciate a year 3 version. If that's going to be a solid no, that's ok. I personally like the sleek LDR look over event horizon's bulkiness.
I would play sword hilt only, inferno iron banner clash for another chance at one. #soserious
Edited by Haunter: 5/18/2017 4:43:44 PMStill have 2× Timurs lash 2× Radegasts fury 2× Jolders hammer 2× Efrideets spear 1× Silimars wrath 1× Ghelons demise 1× Skorris revenge 1× Peruins fire 1× Felwinters lie My Y1 spear had armor piercing rounds, Unflinching, the ambush scope and final round. How to win at trials: Use unflinching to shoot through bullets and get a headshot, tap next enemy once with thorn, enemy gets behind cover, shoot through cover for the kill, use final round to body shot last enemy. Profit