While Titans get Captain America powers and warlocks get the child of Raze Lighter, Bolt Caster and a Radiance, Us hunter mains get a blue stick and some acrobatics.:/ not much of you ask me, but maybe there is something Bungie hasn't shown us and they wanted us to think this was a bad subclass, and give us the ability to throw the stick and cause massive explosions, or literally anything Cool, We need this to be a cool subclass Bungie, so please help us out :) Post #MakeHuntersGreatAgain to help this poor, poor subclass
Edit: I just don't want this subclass to feel too similar to arcblade
I hadn't clicked the more so I made a reply on accident :)
Uhh... have you PLAYED an Arcstrider? What? You HAVEN'T? And you're still giving Bungie crap? About a subclass you con't know ANYTHING about? It might be pure dominant electric awesomeness for all you know. Like Sunbreaker, but a Hunter. People will sob "OP! OP! OP!" While you paddle them like a Southerner mama paddles naughty preschoolers! And you'll need a CROWBAR later... To pry that FOOT out of your mouth... And make room for that large slice of HUMBLE PIE!