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5/20/2017 12:15:46 PM

Timeless Ch. 6: Coming Back to Bite

Kendrick slowly pried his eyes open, then raised his head up and looked around. His horned Snowglare Helm sat on a bedside table right beside him. Kendrick tried to think. What happened? He tried to twist around to grab it, but the titan cringed in pain. Kendrick laid back down and felt his abdomen. "What the h*** happened?" He groaned as he shifted around. Right then, Lafayette walked into the room with him. "After you dialed the simulator to eleven, a Vex hydra punted you half way across the room," the warlock answered. "How long ago was that?" Kendrick asked as he forced himself to sit up in bed. Lafayette counted his fingers. "Let's see, it's three thirty now... so... two days," he replied. "Two days?" Kendrick repeated. The titan thought for a moment, then it hit him! Two days! Kendrick tried to climb out of bed, despite how sore he was. "What do you think you're doing?" Lafayette asked as he placed a hand on Kendrick's shoulder and pushed him back down. "I need to ask 'them' about the Raid," Kendrick answered as he pushed his friend's arm out of the way. "You could have just said that," Lafayette replied. "But I'm not gonna let you go on your own," [i]"You might want to reconsider that..."[/i] Kendrick thought to himself. "Hey, where's Oliver?" The titan asked. "He is better. We 'flushed' his system," Xephos answered. The ghost spun his shell around, flashing his steel plates in the light. "That's... great..." Kendrick said as he bit his tongue. The man climbed out of bed, then willed on his gold plated, Snowglare armor. He walked over and grabbed his helmet by the horn, then slid it over his sleek black hair. After that, Kendrick turned around to his Awoken friend. "All right... Let's go see about that Raid..." "Don't you want some breakfast first?" The warlock asked. Kendrick froze; he didn't think about eating breakfast. The two men sat at a booth in a small café deep in the Tower. Lafayette was eating an overly stuffed omelet, with onions, ham, cheese, peppers and other ingredients. Kendrick had a waffle. "What do you... think is inside?" The titan asked as he stuffed his mouth with the maple syrup covered pastry. "What?" Lafayette asked, after swallowing his food. Kendrick took a moment to swallow too. "What do you think is down there, in that Vex structure?" Lafayette wiped his face clean with his napkin. "Other than some device that is phasing it out of time... there's no telling. New armor, maybe. What do you think?" "Cool armor!" The titan exclaimed. "Cool armor? Really?" Lafayette cocked his head to the side. "What about technology for new weapons?" Oliver asked as he flew around his Guardian's head. "Yeah, that too," Kendrick replied. Lafayette stood up, then laid some glimmer on the table for a tip. He and Kendrick walked to cashier, where the titan paid for the meal. It was cheaper than usual; Guardians got discounts. The two Guardians and their two ghosts walked around the Tower; amongst other hunters, titans, and warlocks. "Lauffe, I have to tell you something... You're not gonna like it," Kendrick spoke quietly, trying not to gain too much attention. "This can't be good," Lafayette replied sarcastically. Kendrick took several deep breaths, trying to build up courage to say what he needed to say. "The Vanguard didn't clear us or the Raid... I went to someone else to get supplies and teammates..." Lafayette stopped abruptly, then faced his friend. "What do you mean?" He asked in a stern voice. "Who [i]did[/i] you go to?" Kendrick couldn't look Lafayette straight in the eyes; he kept glancing down at the stone ground. "The Con--" Suddenly, sacks were thrown over the Guardians' heads, and their hands were bound together by zip-ties! They began tripping everywhere as they were being led to somewhere! "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" Lafayette shouted, despite the bag muffling his voice, while he was being yanked around. "Lauffe, shut up!" Kendrick yelled as he got shoved into a seat. Kendrick looked around, but the bag was made of thick material, so all he could see was darkness. Something hit his shoulder. What was it? "Lauffe?" He asked. "Yes, it's me!" His friend replied, with some venom in his voice. "Lauffe, we'll be all right. Just stick with me," Kendrick whispered. "Okay, good. Yeah, that's good. That's fantastic even!! Because, if we're still alive when our hands are unbound... [b]I'm goin' to kill you!![/b]" the warlock shouted at the top of his lungs. "Hey! Quiet!" Yelled one of the men as he kicked Lafayette in the shin. The sound of a vehicle's engine roaring to life filled the ears of the Guardians. What were they in? A couple of hours had passed before Lafayette's and Kendrick's hoods were removed. The sudden flash of the mid-evening sunlight blinded them, disorienting the Guardians. The kidnappers, rather large men, pulled the two out of the car, then walked them through a strange land. "Where are we?" Lafayette asked as he looked around. Tall evergreen trees sprouted from the nutrient-rich soil. A shallow layer of snow crunched under their boots. The vibrant greens and browns of the world was so different to what the Awoken was used to. "This is the European Deadzone," Kendrick replied as he followed behind their captors. He was ashamed to admit it. "The European Deadzone?!" Something clicked in Lafayette's mind. "What... are we doing in the European Deadzone?" Lafayette asked as he cocked his head to his titan friend. Kendrick glanced back, but refused to answer. Soon, the four men passed through the gate of a small, stone wall. They had entered a camp of some sort. Large tents stood beneath the tall trees, and people of all kinds; Awoken, exos, humans, men, women, Guardians and non-Guardians walked around. The two men that dragged Lafayette and Kendrick, gripped their arms and forced the Guardians to stop. Kendrick shot the men an angered glare, then looked forward as another figure walked up to them. Lafayette looked at the slender and tall man wearing a black, leather long coat with green fabric and gold plates. "Keenndrick?..." he said as he scorned the titan again. "Welcome, to the Concordat," Lysander said as he approached the Guardians, hands clasped behind his back.

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