Hey guys! So about a year ago, there was a leak for something called Destiny: Shattered Suns. Nothing ever came of the leak, so most people wrote it off as not real. However, based on multiple parts of the trailers and some of what we played at the reveal event, it looks like that was completely legit, and will be used as the main story for Destiny 2. This is explained much, much better in the video, as it's really easy to explain via voice. (I promise there is no dubstep intro and "ya boi"s). However, if you prefer text, here you go:
So we know the cabal capture the Traveler, but we also see them messing with the sun and Mercury in these shots:
The Sun: http://imgur.com/G2GTsCZ
Mercury: http://imgur.com/tPmev2e
Well the theory is that they take some of the sun's energy using that machine, pump it into Mercury, which eventually would cause Mercury to become a star itself. (The mass of Mercury would attract the energy from the sun via gravity, which would make it have more mass, and the cycle begins anew.) Then, we would have two stars. "But we only have one sun" you may say. And to that I counter:
Two Suns: http://imgur.com/vSycBGC
and again: http://imgur.com/DPmieEg
But why would the Cabal make two suns? Well that would be absolutely catastrophic to our Solar System, and essentially destroy everything (pretty cliche, right?). So we go to their base to stop them, which can be seen here:
Guardian by the sun: http://imgur.com/FhhSRdD
and hopefully we succeed. (Spoiler - we totally do, because there are already 2 DLCs confirmed.)
In conclusion, the Cabal want to make a binary star system to completely wipe out humanity, the guardians, and every trace of us ever existing. Plus they will take the traveler and attempt to use its light. I hope you guys liked the explanation and theory. Let me know what you think about this theory down below. Have a great day!!
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/6cfzln/spoiler_maybe_the_suns_are_different_the_laws_are/?st=j2ytrbe4&sh=302a047e
^ This post on Reddit was the foundation for everything. I just dug deeper to smooth out the theory!
I don't think so. Why? 1. Without a sun humans wouldn't be able to live on..well, anywhere. The destruction of the sun would signal the end of destiny, as there would be no one to protect, so no story really. 2. Pretty sure that's going to be a flashback of sorts when introducing the villain. The purpose of it would be to show he holds lots of power and is capable of large scale destruction (in this case probably to give the thought that he could blow up earth if he wanted to).