originally posted in:PS4 Raid Rage
I am about to get this gun so please tell me if I should put the effort in to get it.
It's worth getting but there are definitely other rocket launchers better and are legendary so you don't use your exotic slot. Look for something with 3 rockets and tracking with a fast fire rate. Definitely a way better choice then ghally
It's the best rocket launcher, but that isn't saying much. Used to be rocket launchers were boss killers. Now they are for clearing ads. I'm always blown away by defenders of that paradigm I might add.
It's worth it for sheer nostalgia, but it is also the best rocket in the game and the number 1 choice for crota
Top 3 in damage so yeah it's pretty effective Sleeper Swords Gally IMHO
Edited by KA7NQK: 5/24/2017 12:52:36 AM
Started a new topic: Is the Galljahorn good?(9 Replies))
Edited by KA7NQK: 5/24/2017 2:21:24 PMHelp Please
It doesn't take much effort to get. You have a mildly interesting questline that ends with a Gjallarhorn and about 2 dozen heavy ammo boxes that refill in 10 seconds. It's a decent heavy. It definitely has uses, but it's not the boss killer it used to be.
Yeah. Its not hard to get...
It's awesome :)