Really? I certainly hope that I misunderstood. If I didn't... absolutely ridiculous.
Fool me once...
Edit: Sorry to the fanboys, but I don't believe one raid at launch is enough. This is their triple A, blockbuster follow up to what was supposed to be a game that could share a shelf with Star Wars and Lord of the Rings (their words). Only one, solitary raid seems disappointing. But hey, if you where happy repeating VoG for the one hundredth time...
Final edit: I'm surprised that more people aren't let down by this. It appears that a good many here on the forums are "ready and rarin'" to grind the hell out of a single raid again. Whatever floats your particular boat, I guess. Perhaps I should have complained about the game being 30 fps on consoles or the 4v4 multiplayer?
They can't possibly put more than one raid when the game just comes out...they'll surely release more as time goes on.