If you could own any lightsaber in Star Wars, be it canon or not, what would it be?
Include; Colour, shape, quantity, and other things.
Optional; include 1 complimentary force ability.
Personally; [spoiler]I would wield duel sickles, orange with a black core, the colour used by assassins.
My ability would be to use the force to bend the light around me, therefore becoming invisible.
Edited by Prey EU: 5/26/2017 1:08:46 AMMy blade would have a curved hilt, similar to Count Dooku because I feel the fencing style to be much for efficient. Green blade, so I think that's a sentinel? Can't remember. And my complementary power would be force choke (If we aren't going with the official lore I would have chosen a whip type light saber. Look up concept art if confused)