Judging by the posts on this forum, the mood around here should be so much brighter. Apparently, all of the whining superstars are not buying D2. Life will be good! CAN I GET AN AMEN!!??!!
Edit: I think I hit a sore spot. Let's try to be less negative and more respectful of each other. There are a lot of great people here. Sometimes that gets lost in all the flaming.
Edit 2: Well, it looks like the post is slowly fading, soon to be buried beneath the new stuff. Thanks for all of the great responses. It was interesting reading all your takes. Even the criticism was generally thoughtful and supported. Very few negative just to be negative posts.
The thing is, many people are not happy with what Bungie is offering. They want to like the game but it's got "xxx" and "yyy" issues. If Bungie wants them to buy the game, buy the DLC and promote the game to their friends, well Bungie has to meet certain expectations. For me it's no more Peer to Peer local hosting of any shared (Crucible, Strikes and Raids) activities. They've taken a step in that direction, but I still have doubts. Hopefully the beta play will prove they have solved most of the host advantage, host lag and IP Exploit issues and the game will be very improved over D1. If they have, great. If not, I'll find a new franchise to spend my Time and Money on. The important thing is we tell Bungie where they are failing and what will prevent us form buying their game. Without them we have no Destiny to play, and without us there will be no more Bungie.