Ever since the 1st day of Destiny to age of triumph, we've always encountered the infamous psion and psion flayers. Their grimore states that they have no relation with the cabal and hyper-intelligent, and have powerful psionic powers.
The question that came to me is how powerful are they truly and if so, will we be expecting to see them again in D2 or the expansions, even powerful than ever?
Here's a statement from the Psion Flayers grimore that I think best suports my question: "The Warlock orders believe that the flayers [b]pulled Phobos from it's natural orbit[/b], waiting for orders to use it as a weapon".
So if the grimore says that the flayers were able to pull Phobos, the moon of mars, from it's natural orbit then the flayers might powerful enough to move an entire landmass if they had to.
And if it is possible enough for them to do with the Rasputin expansion coming out, we could see them back again tangling with our Rasputin.
[spoiler]possible chance for return of pocket infinity and Sleeper simulant anyone? :)[/spoiler]
We know they are highly intelligent as the cabal use them to try and access the war mind. And they have a great strength since they are able to pull a moon from orbit.