Alright, so we all know that the Cabal are named after various ancient greek and roman things such as:
Phalanx: Alexander the Great's famous battle formation. Also a invincible shield space turtle.
Legionary: The main unit of Julius Caesar's army.
Centurion: The leader of a cohort or a century of 80 men.
Primus: The chief centurion of the legion or the commander of the first century within that legion.
Valus: Idk, Google said nothing there.
But then I found this weird thing.....Lysander.
Lysander was a Spartan leader who defeated the Athenian fleet during the Ionian war. Lysander's cry is a sparrow. Lysander is the leader of faction that was defeated by new monarchy. I forget the name. Their symbol is a fist. The Cabal are very strong(like a punching fist) and are also named after ancient greek and roman military units.
Are the two related?
I realize now that this is a kinda weird idea, but hand me the feedback.
EDIT: Oh hey trending.
giv meh lieks
[spoiler]I am the REEEE. Worship REEEEEE.[/spoiler]
Since the Concordat was disgraced and ousted from the tower, maybe Lysander dimed us out to the Cabal by filling in their knowledge gaps about the Traveler as the source of our power as a way of taking his revenge? Could explain why they hit us right where it hurts the most at the start of D2, while in D1 they're scrambling just to piece together a viable strategy to deal with our shenanigans and the unwinnable war of attrition we have them mired in.