If you are reading this thread, then chances are that you are one of the many hapless sheep that have been duped by the media into believing that transsexuals are people who are born in the body of the incorrect gender. I am here today to tell you that this is false. I know that living a lifetime under the control of government propaganda can make it hard to accept alternate theories, but please try to keep an open mind.
Essentially, everything you think you know about transsexuals is a lie. The beings known today as "transsexuals" are in fact a government false-flag operation, with the ultimate goal of infecting the world's water supply with fluoride. The means by which they accomplish this is to establish a fraudulent president (aka Barack Obama) under the puppet control of the Illuminati. From this position of power, they plant cells of revolutionary militias to divide and conquer the American nation. These militias take the form of ordinary citizens, and often converge in private groups on websites for game developers. Once the militias have been planted, the process of administering mind control drugs begins. These chemicals are disseminated through satellites that have been placed in earth's atmosphere by the Jewish space agency and hidden with secret cloaking technology manufactured by the Nordic extraterrestrials. The exact properties of these drugs is thus far unknown, but an independent study in rural Austria has determined that these noxious fumes are programmed to transform a normal human being into a member of the reptilian species that lives under the earth's crust.
The objective of this operation is to boost the population of the reptilian lifeforms, as their numbers are currently inadequate for their plan of declaring war on the robot overlords of the Pegasus galaxy. Once the entire human population has been transitioned into reptilian soldiers, an eighth chevron will be programmed into the stargate located underneath the base in Chyanne mountain, and the invasion will begin.
The ultimate conclusion that we can draw from this evidence is that the earth was really destroyed in the year 2002, and the reality we are currently experiencing is in fact a computer simulation created by Bain capital, a company formerly owned by Prime Minister Mitt Romney. Reality as we know it has ceased to exist, and our only hope is to ascend to a higher plane of existence and usurp the kingdom of heaven from lord Sauron. Thus, transsexuals are gay and so is the earthquake that HAARP has aimed at California, thank you and good night.