originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b][u]In A Library, With Head Full of Dreams[/u][/b]
[i]Dojo Archives, 13:00[/i]
Kaliana was in the Dojo Archives. Her helmet was on, as she never took it off out of fear of the hatred she would receive.
She sat down, reading about the flora and fauna of the Dojo. She was dreaming of a desert in full bloom.
Coldplay was playing through the speakers of her helmet.
Until, someone interrupted her studies.
[b]An incredibly loud fart echoed through the library, turning all heads to its source. A lone man, dressed in a suit lounges in a lazy boy with a leg slung over the arm rest. One hand holds a large book while the other holds and entire dinner plate of shrimp fried rice, which he eats with his face. He stops eating and looks around at the see of faces confronting his fart[/b] [i]What the hell are you looking at?[/i]
Edited by Splashback77: 6/3/2017 5:58:24 PMSurprisingly, the helmeted Warlock continued to read.
[b]The man lets out a second fart and flips off the sea of faces.[/b] [i]Thats what I thought...[/i]
The Warlock was still reading, not paying any mind.
Edited by BrandRobKus: 6/2/2017 7:35:54 PM*The man who interrupted wears [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/dungeonhunter5/images/3/3f/Glowing_justicar_arcplate.png/revision/latest?cb=20151215193109]a strange set of armor[/url], but his helmet is off to reveal a young man in his mid to late twenties, seemingly with a slight Spanish origin. He seems to be looking through the books for something interesting he has never read. Doesn't take long though, he finds one and leans against one of the walls*
Kali sighed, reading.
*He reads the back cover of the book, then looks up at Kali* Um, excuse me, Miss. Have you ever read Robinson Crusoe?
Edited by Splashback77: 6/15/2017 6:06:32 PMShe shakes her head.
Oh, okay. *Since he hasn't been here long he tries to make friends with the girl, noticing she is listening to an odd type of music* What might you be listening to?
She blushed under her helmet. She was a shy Warlock.
*He can't see under her helmet so he simply waits for an answer, sitting there awkwardly with a charming smile on his face*
She continued to read, sighing.
*Sighing, he looks at the cover of the book she's reading* Is that a good book?
She just, scooted away.
*He sighs, going back to read his book, but always keeping her in sight*
But she slipped out of his sight, hiding behind a bookshelf.
*It is true that he couldn't see her, however, there was a strange dark purple portal on the floor, strange symbols dotting the outside. A couple seconds later [url=https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwiQkP2tz8zUAhXENj4KHZ0FBNAQjBwIBA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette2.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fdungeonhunter5%2Fimages%2Fb%2Fb3%2FImp.png%2Frevision%2Flatest%2Fscale-to-width-down%2F192%3Fcb%3D20151124153152&psig=AFQjCNG1WnB-gtUp9Wfd-f0Yqu6HLdMYdQ&ust=1498054851728420]Imps[/url] pour out of it, looking for prey to torture and disembowel*
She was startled to see the Imps, and she ran.
*Aidan, taking notice of these Imps, takes [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/im2dpnIsJO4/maxresdefault.jpg]his sword[/url] and advances on them, watching her and others that could be in danger*
One the Imps started to grab at the Warlock, who retaliated by hitting it in the face, her hand crackling with Void light.
*Aidan seems to activate something purple in his hand, and it lights up, allowing him to charge and explode many creatures. He is surrounded in Darkness as he continues fighting
Quincy was pacing about, silently as always. His bare feet made no noise as he walked the width of the library over and over again as he read through book after book. The titles on each book were apparently written in the Falmer language, unreadable to anyone who hasn't either learned it through years of study, or by being forcibly taught via a Dwemer Lexicon. None exist on Tatakai however, the Lexicons still remaining on Nirn.
The Warlock looked to him, puzzled.
[b]A man cloaked in a black hood slowly walked behind her, seemingly looking for something. He turned to her, and began to mumble to himself...[/b] "A warlock, been awhile since I've seen one. What was that? Five dimensions ago? Those were the days. What a challenge that was."
She just nodded and continued to read.