MM CC = man made climate change...
(I'm sure you know but just in case...)
So yeah simple question feel free to add your reasons for why you believe what you do...
Edit sorry if I left anyone out but if you're more of a
"I'm neither and think that, regardless of whether or not 'MMCC' is real, environment-preserving policies should be adopted with minimum or nonexistent delay" option?
[/quote] kind of person just bump Kamots reply...
Edited by Zeldasavvy64: 6/6/2017 2:45:38 AMOkay then. Gotta find kamots. Edit: found him.
I'm a libertarian and think 343 ruined the MCC's multiplayer
Where's the "I'm neither and think that, regardless of whether or not 'MMCC' is real, environment-preserving policies should be adopted with minimum or nonexistent delay" option?
Here's my question. If pulling out is bad but literally every state and huge corporation in America has spoken out against it and pledges to follow it anyway which means nothing changes energy wise [i]and we start saving money[/i] that no longer has to go to foreign nations that most likely weren't using the money properly anyway,,,,,, then what is the problem?
disliked for no centrist option
Unaffiliatards BTFO
Climate change has been happening for thousands of years, it's just a thing the earth does. We barely contribute to it
It's metaphorical
But I'm moderate...
Why was I linked to this?
When I was a kid I used to change the climate of ants in my yard using buckets of water and magnifying glasses. MMCC confirmed real.
Anyone who thinks mmcc isn't real should be purged from the earth
Climate change is happening. What we released into the environment has set in motion an unstoppable series of events. At this point it's a useless cause to stop it. Go green all you want but our time here is quite limited.
Not really that simple. We contribute and it's happening but I don't think we are the initial cause.
Me: what about people that are neither Also me: who cares
I'm indifferent and I think man made climate change is real but blown way out of proportion.
Today's events?
Only a fool would think it's not. At the same time, how much is man made and how much is it the earth being the earth? Obviously with over 7 billion people on the planet we're going to be a part of it. Yet at the same time it's been known that the earth goes through cycles when it comes to it's climate.
The wuestion isnt whether or not its man made. The question is to what extent is the man made effect. 2%? 20%? 95%?
Man made climate change is real. I mean, you can't really expect that over 6 billion life forms don't effect the environment they live in. The real question is how large is it's impact on the planet, how much is actually man made, and how much can we reduce it by cutting this or that. Personally I don't think it would make that big a difference, and that forcing the rush and implementation of inferior technology/energy would be a huge waste of time and money.
We absolutely contribute to climate change.