This mostly refers to the shady DLC practices the first game had. I bring this up because Destiny 2 dlc has been announced for winter 2017 already. I'm concerned they are going to make it difficult for those who do not purchase the dlc, again.
If you recall those that did not purchase previous DLCs where unable to do the following:
-Daily Heroic
-Highest level of Strike Playlist
-Doubles (They had to wait until the game modes rotated)
-Sparrow Racing (Again had to wait)
-Iron Banner
It can also probably count as pay to win as some Exotic and Legendary guns and armours are exclusive to some DLCs, and those that purchase these dlcs may play on the classic playlist.
Granted on the second article a few comments mentioned these guns were just as good or better:
Suros (Regime?), Nechro, Sleeper Simulant, Black Spindle and Vision of Confluence.
Again my point here is that those without the dlc were left behind in the first game and you could not level up to max if had not bought Taken King and Rise of Iron, does this not concern anyone or perhaps the fans here do not mind paying for dlc? I'm genuinely curious.
Why should people who have not purchased the content be able to reach the contents level? Seems like a silly reason to hate an MMO designer. Other than that Bungie has been treating this community like garbage so I'm not concerned for I already know they won't change how they treat us so I won't change how I treat them.