With the reveal stream, it became known that PS4 will be 30fps, and then everyone was saying "consoles" would be 30fps. I have not seen anything from Bungie saying specifically saying consoles or the Xbox would be 30fps. I assume it will be, but has it been confirmed?
Second, I was reading this article about input delay with Tekken on the PS4 snd the Xbox One, and it has me wondering what the delay measurements are for Destiny 2: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2017/jun/02/tekken-7-reportedly-has-about-72-frames-input-lag-playstation-4-pro-and-63-frames-input-lag-xbox-one/
What will the input delay be on each platform?
And the new Tekken looks horrible on both consoles 😬👎🏻