I'll be using a rubber band on my controller personally and get my KD down a bit further before D2.
7% hand cannon and icebreaker......hahahahahahahahahahaha! Who are these people kidding! I personally never use an icebreaker but I fukn know for sure 9/12 players of every lobby I enter will be using a hand cannon and icebreaker! Stop lying people!!
Rather play with ebola + no biohazard suit
Lucio, Ana and Rein.
Whatever the quarter master weekly bounty is.
I usually bring 9 weapons in each weapon slot and plan on using every primary that I bring. Maybe use 4 or 5 special weapons, but honestly will most likely only be using one or two heavies.
Blind perdition and wormwood Lord high fixer and Plan C Lingering Song and bitter edge 010 Last Word and Ldr 5001 (Icebreaker is 4 pu$$ies, and there are alot of them) man up and grab a crate! Man up and use a primary!...Pocket your sticky nade once in a while and use a damn gun!MAN UP!!
Bladancer, memory or holder, last word and quantiplasm...#battlerunner
I doubt our stats are coming with us
I will not be taking part 😬
A Lizal Tri-Boomerang and a Knights Bow. Shit wrong game
mgs5 for me, thanks.
I wiah i could be mercy from overwatch in iron banner. My team wouldnt lose lol
Switching between dual swords and crossbow That's my loadout for Skyrim which I will be playing during this IB
Either one of the SUROS primaries and a Fusion Rifle.
Hopscotch pilgrim and Saladin's vigil with a side of bolt caster
I wonder what MeleeOnlyTitan will be using...
Vex and party crasher. Also whatever weapons for the crucible bounties there are.
I'm not gonna play it, but not because of it being a lagfest. I just don't care for Supremecy
I will personally be using the traditional fun police load-out
Blind perdition and saladin's vigil
Fusions only. Vex and vigil.
Is No Land still considered Meta?
Solar burn nightfall you say? Okay I'll go with: Vision of Confluence Blackhammer Gjallarhorn. Yup, I'm ready.
Probably Eyasluna and Invective.. we'll see.
Pointless as -blam!- to play it.
Using a Monte Carlo and an LDR. God, I miss having to not pick up spec ammo all the time