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Edited by mybeary: 6/6/2017 11:35:32 PM

Kinderguardians: Raiding the Vault of Glass- Part 9

[spoiler]Due to BraveCole's Character Copyright, any of the characters or story originating from a BraveCole Story is in rightful ownership of BraveCole. Remember he can shut this project down at any time. Anyways, enjoy[/spoiler] [i]RJ stepped back, in realization of what he had done. He killed a guardian. Naturally, he panicked. His body was teeming to the brim with Arc Energy, which was now making his blade sharper and longer. His Arc Energy burst from RJ's body, making him a walking nuclear reactor. As such, and put simply, RJ exploded. The explosion would distort the Vault in many ways, but the changes were only temporary. [/i] [i]mybeary is now jumping onto the Arc-infused ground. The shock crawled up his body, and gave him a painful vibration. His leg gave way, leading to more pain and agony. mybeary immediately drops his weapon, and falls to the floor., where a Gorgon just stares at him. The Gorgons are also in pain, as they are stuck within an infinite loop of explosions, aggravation, and accelerating their movements. [/i] mybeary: Argh! Goddammit! Rakkl-2: Uh-huh. You're still retarded. mybeary: Shut up. Ventis: Is he okay? Rakkl-2: No, obviously he's dead, Sherlock. Mind reviving him? mybeary: I'll climb up. Just, er, give me a few seconds- urghh! [i]mybeary ends up paralyzing himself due to overexposure to the Arc Energy. He cannot move his body at all.[/i] mybeary: A few hours will do. Fexil: Okay. We'll be digging your grave then. Velohan: We don't have a shovel, Einstein. Fexil: Don't get smart with me. Velohan: Hey, at least I'm not the one who miscalculated the pain that falling will give you. [i]Velohan and Fexil argue, and mybeary moans in agony. Rakkl-2 is swearing like mad at Ventis, whom is ignoring Rakkl-2. Dawn fell asleep. Amongst all this, RJ watches from the pocket dimension, unsure of the time, and bored out of his mind. Meanwhile, the Figure approaches RJ carefully, afraid he'd slice his gut open once more. The gaping hole is still sizzling, and Arc Energy is flowing out of the wound. The Figure speaks to RJ.[/i] The Figure: Ah... aren't you bored of looking at parallel dimensions? RJ: It's interesting. A man has already replaced me. The Figure: ... RJ: You're silent. The Figure: I'm just speechless. The same kid who punctured open my chest is now staring nonchalantly at a parallel dimension, watching his friends fight in agony, saying he's bored. I could shoot you, but I ain't feeling it. RJ: mm-hm... The Figure: Your influence is affecting the Vault. The fact you were able to generate Light in this pocket dimension makes you special. You ain't gonna be an average guardian, kid. RJ: yup... The Figure: Kid? You okay there? RJ: yeah, I guess... The Figure: You know what? No, you're not. Here. [i]The Figure puts on the dimension where we left off at Chapter 8. The scrnario is the same, except mybeary is still standing up. RJ still watches the scene with the same interest and attention, while mybeary is yelling to his teammates.[/i] mybeary: Dammit! I forgot I didn't transfer my heavy synths! Rakkl-2: That's your problem, not mine. mybeary: No shit, Sherlock! Want to bust my life a little more? Dawn: S-s-stop it! BraveCole: It's useless arguing. The Vanguard are already hot on our heels, my heels especially, and we don't know when they might be catching up. Ventis: Well, uhh... BraveCole: Hush, Ventis. Ventis: Alright... mybeary: Gah! I'm going up... [i]mybeary walks over to the cliff, staggering, and grabs a ledge. The electricity becomes managable for the Hunter, as he climbs higher. Rakkl-2, however, is looking down on him, his foot out as if to kick him off the climb. Ventis sees this, and grabs Rakkl-2, disorienting the Hunter's focus, and causing the both of them to fall on a panicking Gorgon. Within its eye, Ventis could see RJ, infused with Arc Light. He could tell RJ was the cause of this, but at the same time, RJ seemed innocent. Ventis, against his better judgement, hit the Gorgon, telling it to bring RJ back. [/i] Rakkl-2: Kid! Kid! What are you doing? Ventis: I'll die for you! Bring him back! Give him! Let go! Rakkl-2: Are you insane? You'll kill us all! Ventis: I don't care! I need him back! [i]Ventis feels a sudden pressure on his back, lifting him from the Gorgon, which should have been enraged by now, but isn't. Professor BraveCole is standing there, holding Ventis by his robes.[/i] Ventis: Let go! Professor! Please! BraveCole: Sorry, Ventis, but I don't think RJ is worth dying. Ventis: Please... BraveCole: Now, get the -blam- off of me or I'll throw you onto the floor. You're hugging me tightly now. Pretty sure Professor Oddish said something about hugs, but can't remember. Ventis: Sorry, Professor. [i]Ventis gets off the Professor, while the two, although in pain, follow mybeary up the cliff. mybeary, now waiting on the top, is popping a heavy ammo synthesis, freshly transmatted. Not too far behind, the Vanguard await Cayde-6, who show up with flair. Shaxx follows Cayde-6.[/i] Cayde-6: Heyy! You guys acting like hobos or something, cause you look dead inside. Zavala: Took you long enough to get here. Shaxx: Geez, this joker didn't even know where to go. His radar was his best tool, and he couldn't even use that correctly! Cayde-6: Hey, locked up in the Tower? Vanguard duties? Sound familiar? Shaxx: I just smell the salt from your dumb bet from the past. Cayde-6: Least I got style. Still got my smooth talking, at least. Shaxx: Let's see you smooth talk in the midst in the Crucible, Cayde. Zavala: As much as we'd like to hear you guys bicker about every single thing, we have got to get a move on. Professor BraveCole is now a fugitive, and whether we liked him or not, we gotta arrest his sorry ass. Cayde-6: Haha, [i]excuse[/i] me? [i]The[/i] Professor BraveCole? I don't know 'bout you, but I thought he's pretty much deserved a raise, don'tcha think? Arresting him doesn't exactly seem right to me. Zavala: Dammit Cayde, did you forget the connection with the Reef we almost lost due to pure idiocity of our Professor? Cayde-6: And yet that is why it makes him so great! He's got guts, he's got what I like! Bonus points for that dude! Ikora: Cayde, BraveCole is now a fugitive for attempting to escape his punishment and going AWOL. Cayde-6: Ikora, dear, I seriously think that's some deep shit right there. Nope, I'm calling it now. Bullshit. Dude needs a Vaca, from teaching some troublesome kids. Why not do it now? Also, I really think BraveCole is in purgatory at this point, not punishment. Zavala: Fine! Be on his side! Lord Shaxx, please bring Cayde-6 to the Tower, now! Cayde-6: Excuse me? Heh, Shaxx, remember all the good times we had? Shaxx: Vaguely. I just remember they weren't great. Come on. Cayde-6: You know what? Screw the Vanguard! I'm out! Peace!

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  • Edited by mybeary: 6/6/2017 6:10:04 AM
    [i]Cayde-6 pulls out his Ghost, and transmats to the Vault entrance, which is opening due to the Guardians outside, just starting the raid. It has been 2 months. The Guardians look at the Hunter Vanguard, surprised he went missing in the Vault. They wave to him, telling him to go back. Cayde-6 waves to them, and tells them he'll join them, once he grabs his stuff from his ship outside.[/i] [i]Cayde-6 deactivates the invisibility from a distance and steps outside the Vault.[/i] [i]Suddenly, Cayde hears voices. Voices that crackle in, out, and within him. Cayde's vision starts failing, his left eardrum goes numb, and his brain feels fuzzy. The Guardians go over to Cayde, and take him to the Tower.[/i] Zavala: Goddammit! He could have gotten anywhere! Ikora: Not anywhere. While within the Vault, certain transmat modules, like ours, and transmat us within a matter of moments, but our transmats are limited to our mission, and since the Vault is a mission, He could have gone to the entrance. Zavala: ... then he is already gone. Ikora: Indeed. [i]All of a sudden, a bright light appears out of nowhere, temporarily blinding the Vanguard members and hired fireteams. Appearing from the light was RJ, containing as much Arc Light as he could within his tiny body. The Arc Blade extends further, and becomes a pole. RJ shows an aggressive stance.[/i] Ikora: ....R-RJ? Zavala: Get back! [i]Zavala leans back, and extends his arms out, forming a Ward of Dawn. But the Ward won't protect them from the spells from the banishment of time itself.[/i] RJ (In the voice of The Figure): [i]For [b]far[/b] too long have I been trapped in a pocket dimension- Kid, don't move. Uhhm, yes, they now know you're alive, thanks for asking.- What was I saying?[/i] Zavala: What do you want? [i]RJ[/i]: [i]Ahh, yes. In reality, I just want to escape. I'll be using your boy here to make a tear within our pocket, using the orbs of Light we generate here.[/i] Ikora: Then it is well advised to go seek other Vex, rather than go talk to us. [i]RJ[/i]: [i]Ohh, ho ho. No, no no no. The Vex would know if it is me. And you're the only living organisms alive at this point. [/i] Zavala: The Professor and the other kids! [i]You killed them?[/i] [i]RJ[/i]: Tut, tut, tut! Titans, with their big skulls, and big heads, but they don't use them! I may or may not have impeded their way through the Vault, but they aren't sure coming back. Ikora: Are they trapped somewhere? Can we save them? [i]RJ[/i]: [i]Oh, yes! Very much so! And if you hurry, you may be able to save them! You'll know the way.[/i] Zavala: Err.. Thank you, strange hologram of a child. [i]RJ[/i]: [i]But you see? This is, and isn't, the Child, the one who will change fates forever, the one who will- [b]will you just shut up?[/b]-I'm sorry, the one who will change how this game is played forever.[/i] [i]Zavala and Ikora step back. What game could this strange man be playing? And was he a threat to life on Earth?[/i]

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