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need help getting clan destiny trophies for ps3
Xbox One and PS4 Clan Now Recruiting Members From All Over The World If your still looking, come check us out. We are always recruiting new members!! Clan Name: xAllegiancex System: Xbox 1 and PS4 Location and TimeZone: We are global destiny community. We have divisions in the States, UK, England, Europe, Australia, and the Asia Pacific region. We always have raids in all time zones. About xAx: xAllegiancex is Currently a Xbox one and PS4 Destiny Community. Our Primary Goal is to help anyone and everyone we possibly can. Everybody is always welcome; from those less experienced that need help to those more experienced that like to help others. We also pride ourselves in creating social relationships both personally and gaming wise within our community. We want to make sure that every guardian hits their highest potential of skill relative to the games our community plays. xAllegiancex has an infrastructure that is built on organization and simplicity. By having a 1 Admin to 10 Member Ratio, our community is able to coordinate over 600 events per month. To be apart of this great community, please visit us at www.xallegiancex.com xAx Events & what we offer: •Normal, Hard & 390 VoG and Crota raids with challenge mode. •Normal, Hard & 390 Kings Fall raids with challenge mode. •Wrath of the Machine NM, HM & 390 with challenge mode •Training raids for those new to raiding. •Raid practices on sword for Crota & relic on VoG. •Prison Of Elders 28, 32, 34, 35 and Challenge of Elders. •Crucible events, Iron Banner events, tournaments... •Speedrun raids, flawless raids... •Casual / Hardcore Trials of Osiris etc... •Lighthouse carries from our top PVP players MOST ACTIVE CLAN ON BUNGIE 250 OR MORE CRUCIBLE EVENTS A MONTH 300 OR MORE PVE EVENTS PER MONTH VERY LARGE XB1 COMMUNITY WE WILL BE READY FOR DESTINY 2 OUR AMBASSADORS ARE ALREADY GATHERING DATA AND GETTING THINGS READY FOR LAUNCH Video Specialist for all your montage needs and we offer clips The week for xAllegiancex Tv Everybody is welcome, from those less experienced that need help to those more experienced that like to help others... all in a fun, positive atmosphere. To join visit www.xallegiancex.com and just follow the instructions on the main page. We have a clan's web page for members that serves as the center of operations, with events calendar, member forum, chat, news, etc. Also, feel free to check us out at our Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/xallegiancextv YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh45r59Cahxy6oSaxWLYOPA Please feel free to contact me or any xAx administrator for any further questions. Joining Our Clan Please check us out at http://www.xallegiancex.com/ Bungie Feature: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/44418/7_Unite-the-Clans--xAllegiancex xAx Admin Texas xAx / PSN: Penehoff