originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
I'm a 304 hunter and I'm looking for a clan to do raids in. I was wondering if you guys could accept me in. My gamer tag is Joe Aga1n.
While I don't mean to be that guy, I think if your light is 304 raids are not your best move...... If by some miracle you got through a raid, the gear you receive would be pretty crappy in the long run. Since your a low light level it will drop you gear that is around the same level as you to keep you from shooting all the way up to the 370-385 light. So I know how hard it is but just try not to get any exotics/open any exotic engrams, and try not to get any legendary's/open legendary engrams until you're around light 370 and it will save you I promise, only use the Blues, If I could go back and not open all my legendary's and not get my Khostov and Gjhallorhorn............ I would.