Welcome To Our Post. This Is Where You Will Find Great Players To Help You Get To The Promise Land Known As 'THE LIGHTHOUSE'.
[b]Note:[/b] A Good Fireteam For This Event Is One That Consists Of Good Teamwork And Communication.
If You Are Seeking A Good Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris Then Post Your Information Below.
-Gamertag: DynastyXSnipeZz
-Class And Subclass: Hunter | Bladedancer
-Light Level: 400
-Weapons: (Not Entirely Important)
-Skills: Great Sniper/ Communicator
Please Like This Post So It Will Be Easier To Find In The Future, And Hopefully It Will Help Make It Easier For Everyone To Find A Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris.
(The Star= Like Button)
Clan Members Will Always Be Chosen First For Trials Of Osiris To Get A Flawless.
[b]Youtube Channel:[/b] Youtube.com/c/dynasty2106
[b]Twitch Channel:[/b] https://m.twitch.tv/dynastyxsnipezz?sr=a
All The Best And Good Luck in Trials!
Need 1 For Flawless run must have been flawless must have a 1.4 Kd msg for inv
1747 ELO 1.35 KD Need some help going flawless this week :) GT LPewp
1.9kd 2360 elo and 2.1 2570elo Gt: theman xl
400 titan My kid plays too so stats are always skewed but I've been flawless and scarab and I'm a neckbeard sweaty Looking for stacked or really a carry so I can melt my brain into dabmission.
Need 1 1.0+ Msg for inv
Flawless run Need two 1700 elo 1.1 kd Message in game
2.3 for the week hunter with a 1900 mmr Msg for inv need 1
Need 1 for flawless run Were both 1800+ elo and 1.3 kd Please have similar stats and CAN SNIPE Msg Teampuppnsuds for inv
Need1 for trails gt kcebol
Looking for one 1.6+ Msg paii dromes
2.3 for the week hunter with a 1900 mmr Msg for inv need 1
1.51KD 1757 Elo 103x Flawless 2.08 KD this week Looking for a good team
1.2 1500 elo need inv
Trials carries with followers and donators. Enter the raffle for a chance to win a lighthouse run. Donators are guaranteed flawless. Stats: top 1% with a 2.7 y3 kd https://www.twitch.tv/Blades_HD
Trials carries with followers and donators. Enter the raffle for a chance to win a lighthouse run. Donators are guaranteed flawless. Stats: top 1% with a 2.7 y3 kd https://www.twitch.tv/Blades_HD
1.51KD 1757 Elo 103x Flawless 2.08 KD this week Looking for a good team
Need 1, no kids, no rage. Just a chill card still going for flawless, message on Xbox for the invite
I'm bad at this game but if you wanna see me be bad and try to help you flawless check out my stream Twitch.tv/arsenal3k
Need team for flawless. All I care about is a positive k.d in trials Message Slawdawg865
Looking for a team to go flawless 1.7 something weekly kd Send invite
800 elo. Inv trying to get to LH or just get bounties done
Need 1 For Flawless run must have been flawless must have a 1.4 Kd msg for inv
COME TO THE STREAM http://www.twitch.tv/itztaylo Come drop a follow and help me grow I have did countless Carries and got them flawless Donations will be happily appreciated It will support the Chanel and help you guys watch better quality I'm doing free carries I have a point system and the longer you watch the better a carry I just want to help the people who never been flawless and needs to go flawless
Looking for a lighthouse virgin. Gt: Seif Controi
Trying to go flawless don't have time for bs ! Basic communication skills is a must . This week is rotating moon maps . Will be checking trial reports ! Message asap first come first serve let's get these nine wins 🙏🏼
Trials carries with followers and donators. Enter the raffle for a chance to win a lighthouse run. Donators are guaranteed flawless. Stats: top 1% with a 2.7 y3 kd https://www.twitch.tv/Blades_HD