Welcome To Our Post. This Is Where You Will Find Great Players To Help You Get To The Promise Land Known As 'THE LIGHTHOUSE'.
[b]Note:[/b] A Good Fireteam For This Event Is One That Consists Of Good Teamwork And Communication.
If You Are Seeking A Good Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris Then Post Your Information Below.
-Gamertag: DynastyXSnipeZz
-Class And Subclass: Hunter | Bladedancer
-Light Level: 400
-Weapons: (Not Entirely Important)
-Skills: Great Sniper/ Communicator
Please Like This Post So It Will Be Easier To Find In The Future, And Hopefully It Will Help Make It Easier For Everyone To Find A Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris.
(The Star= Like Button)
Clan Members Will Always Be Chosen First For Trials Of Osiris To Get A Flawless.
[b]Youtube Channel:[/b] Youtube.com/c/dynasty2106
[b]Twitch Channel:[/b] https://m.twitch.tv/dynastyxsnipezz?sr=a
All The Best And Good Luck in Trials!
Need 2 for must have a 1600+ Elo and a 1700+ Elo mmr with positive kd gt is the same I will be checking stats
Looking to do well (win) and have fun. Must have been flawless before and must have positive year 3 kd. Communicate well.
Looking for a free trials carry?? Just look up "Narcissizm" and drop a follow! He is on win 7 right now and will be doing a raffle soon! He has carried me multiple times and, I promise, I'm not very good!
2k elo 1.5kd need a similar team
* LIVE RIGHT NOW ON TWITCH * FREE LIGHTHOUSE CARRIES! I'm in the top 100 for trials, I've done countless lighthouse carries while in a pirate outfit! I can help you out and we can do a flawless run! I only play with followers so follow me on twitch. More than 10000 followers support me, come join our crew! - Godly Gaia Click on my twitch link and join the adventure! www.twitch.tv/GodlyGaia
Looking to do well (win) and have fun. Must have been flawless before and must have positive year 3 kd. Communicate well.
2.0 kd warlock looking for good team. Inv on xbox
400 titan 1500elo 1.0kd Already been flawless this week on my lock. looking to JOIN a team.....JOIN.....a team that has sim stats or better. Gt is L1mit30
Need one more. 1.1 KD+ 1500 elo+. Msg gt above for invite.
Looking for twobwith a 1.2 overal kd must have been flawless message me for invt
Hi! My name is xRJSxHD and I'm a kinda new streamer :O Today, I'm doing some trials Sherpa Runs (I'm a 1.8KD don't worry). [b]RAFFLE IS LIVE[/b]. If you would like, feel free to stop by and enter the raffle for a chance to play with moi. https://www.twitch.tv/xrjsxhd . See you there :D
Need 2 Be Able to Carry your own Don't Be Shit Checking Stats Mic Required Message Xurs Lnventory
Need 2 for must have a 1600+ Elo and a 1700+ Elo mmr with positive kd gt is the same I will be checking stats
Hi! My name is xRJSxHD and I'm a kinda new streamer :O Today, I'm doing some trials Sherpa Runs (I'm a 1.8KD don't worry). [b]RAFFLE IS LIVE[/b]. If you would like, feel free to stop by and enter the raffle for a chance to play with moi. https://www.twitch.tv/xrjsxhd . See you there :D
1.66 kd and 1882 elo, looking for two with similar stats. Lost a good chunk of elo and kd from bad teammates this week and last so I'm open to doing resets or a flawless run. Gt same as above.
COME TO THE STREAM http://www.twitch.tv/itztaylo Come drop a follow and help me grow I have did countless Carries and got them flawless Donations will be happily appreciated It will support the Chanel and help you guys watch better quality I'm doing free carries I have a point system and the longer you watch the better a carry I just want to help the people who never been flawless and needs to go flawless
Need 2 Be Able to Carry your own Don't Be Shit Checking Stats Mic Required Message Xurs Lnventory
2k elo 1.5kd need a team
1.2kd+ 1500 elo +
COME TO THE STREAM http://www.twitch.tv/itztaylo Come drop a follow and help me grow I have did countless Carries and got them flawless Donations will be happily appreciated It will support the Chanel and help you guys watch better quality I'm doing free carries I have a point system and the longer you watch the better a carry I just want to help the people who never been flawless and needs to go flawless
Need 1 for a try hard run Pls be good and not lie about stats 1.2+ kd only and 1600+ elo No carries Msg me on Xbox for inv l 2UncleDrew2 l
Need 1 with a 1.5+ k/d. Msg Siaca G for invite
Need 1 with a 1.5+ k/d. Msg Siaca G for invite
2.0 kd warlock looking for good team. Inv on Xbox.
* LIVE RIGHT NOW ON TWITCH * FREE LIGHTHOUSE CARRIES! I'm in the top 100 for trials, I've done countless lighthouse carries while in a pirate outfit! I can help you out and we can do a flawless run! I only play with followers so follow me on twitch. More than 10000 followers support me, come join our crew! - Godly Gaia Click on my twitch link and join the adventure! www.twitch.tv/GodlyGaia
Stat farm NO BOONS 3 wins reset 1.0 kd+ Be able to communicate Gt same as user