Welcome To Our Post. This Is Where You Will Find Great Players To Help You Get To The Promise Land Known As 'THE LIGHTHOUSE'.
[b]Note:[/b] A Good Fireteam For This Event Is One That Consists Of Good Teamwork And Communication.
If You Are Seeking A Good Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris Then Post Your Information Below.
-Gamertag: DynastyXSnipeZz
-Class And Subclass: Hunter | Bladedancer
-Light Level: 400
-Weapons: (Not Entirely Important)
-Skills: Great Sniper/ Communicator
Please Like This Post So It Will Be Easier To Find In The Future, And Hopefully It Will Help Make It Easier For Everyone To Find A Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris.
(The Star= Like Button)
Clan Members Will Always Be Chosen First For Trials Of Osiris To Get A Flawless.
[b]Youtube Channel:[/b] Youtube.com/c/dynasty2106
[b]Twitch Channel:[/b] https://m.twitch.tv/dynastyxsnipezz?sr=a
All The Best And Good Luck in Trials!
Free Flawless! Account recoveries... DM...Really Fast!!
Looking for 1 have a positive kd add foxinator93
Need one for flawless , running with a friend who's a solid 2.0 . Please be decent , experienced and chill . Looking for a very quick run , add samm0sab0885
Need 1 positive kd for quick flawless run add foxinator93
Carries all night!!!!!! JUST GOT AFFILIATED ON TWITCH FREE CARRIES EVERY WEEKEND 10 HOURS A DAY! 2MINS! TILL WINNER STREAMING ALL DAYY need one message acid_mindstate checking stats, https://www.twitch.tv/acid_mindstate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Live now!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RAFFLE IS CLOSING SOON! CHECK ME OUT Free lighthouse carries! JUST HIT 1150 FOLLOWERS! UP AND COMING STREAMER! BE APART OF THE ACID WAVE! 113 CARRIED IN YEAR 3 39 LIGHTHOUSE VIRGINS 40 SCARABS All you have to do is follow the Twitch account above and type !ticket to join the raffle you must be following the channel and have 100 !coins you get 10 coins per minute and 10 coins when you follow, Goodluck Guardians !GIVEAWAY at 1500 followers for !Regulars !multi Multitwitch.tv/acid_mindstate/incubo__cx If you`re interested in doing !multi to share followers add me psn:acid_mindstate Must have at least 500 followers.!!!!!!!!!
Need 1 for flawless run add boegjeflen
Need 1 decent player for flawless run be positive kd add foxinator93
Frist time in trials on ps4 looking for soild guys to go flawless with if your after that shrpa badge hit me up just started ps4 this week 395 hunter
Frist time in trials on ps4 looking for soild guys to go flawless with if your after that shrpa badge hit me up just started ps4 this week 395 hunter
Must have positive kd add/message joshpatchy92
My name is St4r I am just another Destiny streamer who loves to help you guys get to the lighthouse as often as I can. Have you ever hit that 8-0 with a team then you guys just lose, well then I want to help you then. Never been to the lighthouse well then you should come on by and see if you can get a card with me. Always helping during the weekends as much as I can via raffles. https://www.twitch.tv/itsst4r
Need 1 min 1.2 kd psn zzhelmozz
Need 2 1.5+s
add stokesy7659 must have 1.30kd or higher hold your own be chill no raging quitting
Frist time in trials on ps4 looking for soild guys to go flawless with if your after that shrpa badge hit me up just started ps4 this week 395 hunter
Need 2 player add fd_upnext
Need 2 - 1.5kd/1800elo + only - add me - f3ar_l3w
Need 1 be 1.3+ kd and 1700+ elo
Carries all night!!!!!! JUST GOT AFFILIATED ON TWITCH FREE CARRIES EVERY WEEKEND 10 HOURS A DAY! 2MINS! TILL WINNER STREAMING ALL DAYY need one message acid_mindstate checking stats, https://www.twitch.tv/acid_mindstate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Live now!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RAFFLE IS CLOSING SOON! CHECK ME OUT Free lighthouse carries! JUST HIT 1150 FOLLOWERS! UP AND COMING STREAMER! BE APART OF THE ACID WAVE! 113 CARRIED IN YEAR 3 39 LIGHTHOUSE VIRGINS 40 SCARABS All you have to do is follow the Twitch account above and type !ticket to join the raffle you must be following the channel and have 100 !coins you get 10 coins per minute and 10 coins when you follow, Goodluck Guardians !GIVEAWAY at 1500 followers for !Regulars !multi Multitwitch.tv/acid_mindstate/incubo__cx If you`re interested in doing !multi to share followers add me psn:acid_mindstate Must have at least 500 followers.!!!!!!!!!
My name is St4r I am just another Destiny streamer who loves to help you guys get to the lighthouse as often as I can. Have you ever hit that 8-0 with a team then you guys just lose, well then I want to help you then. Never been to the lighthouse well then you should come on by and see if you can get a card with me. Always helping during the weekends as much as I can via raffles. https://www.twitch.tv/itsst4r
Carries all night!!!!!! JUST GOT AFFILIATED ON TWITCH FREE CARRIES EVERY WEEKEND 10 HOURS A DAY! 2MINS! TILL WINNER STREAMING ALL DAYY need one message acid_mindstate checking stats, https://www.twitch.tv/acid_mindstate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Live now!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RAFFLE IS CLOSING SOON! CHECK ME OUT Free lighthouse carries! JUST HIT 1150 FOLLOWERS! UP AND COMING STREAMER! BE APART OF THE ACID WAVE! 113 CARRIED IN YEAR 3 39 LIGHTHOUSE VIRGINS 40 SCARABS All you have to do is follow the Twitch account above and type !ticket to join the raffle you must be following the channel and have 100 !coins you get 10 coins per minute and 10 coins when you follow, Goodluck Guardians !GIVEAWAY at 1500 followers for !Regulars !multi Multitwitch.tv/acid_mindstate/incubo__cx If you`re interested in doing !multi to share followers add me psn:acid_mindstate Must have at least 500 followers.!!!!!!!!!
[PS4]FREE LIGHTHOUSE RUNS...... RAFFLE NOW!! DO YOU WANT THE CHANCE TO GO FLAWLESS? I'm a member of Team Resolute, I help people to the lighthouse every weekend! https://www.twitch.tv/lyncherTV https://twitter.com/lyncherTV
My name is St4r I am just another Destiny streamer who loves to help you guys get to the lighthouse as often as I can. Have you ever hit that 8-0 with a team then you guys just lose, well then I want to help you then. Never been to the lighthouse well then you should come on by and see if you can get a card with me. Always helping during the weekends as much as I can via raffles. https://www.twitch.tv/itsst4r
Lighthouse Helper Since Beta - Streaming LIVE every weekend. Follow & Type !Raffle in chat, winner will be an active viewer/follower Our stream is also a charity based stream, aiming at helping sick & injured children in hospitals. 966 Lighthouses given so far. We've helped some of the lowest stats possible, everyone is welcome, our lighthouses are guaranteed for those. We do it all, fast matches, we've beaten any & all of the best players you can name. https://www.twitch.tv/drenmaretalks Ps: Stream Picks The Music Today