Wanted to be the first one to break this news. I know a lot of you are Battlefield 1 fans, and it's really exciting to see a new DLC for it. It looks really "wonder"ful! Anyway, the main image for it is above.
I have a concern about Operations. I'm finding more and more being put in empty servers. So let's say they add 2 more Ops, that will be how many? 10 total? U also have the split between 40 and 64 player options, so there's really like 20 Ops people can choose from. There will come a point where it will be hard to find an Ops game, maybe not on the popular couple, but some will die. They either need to add Ops to the server browser or consolidate the two player count options to say 50? Or just do away with one of them. Thoughts?