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This is the dojo official bio page! Feel free to copy your stuff from the old group and post it here if you need to. If you are new, make your bio here!
What is a bio?: You Bio describes who your character is and what they can do. Upon joining, please make a bio for your character. Before making your character, know that olden day characters(such as medieval characters) will likely be trumped by superior technology as well as future tech. The dojo is based in the present day.
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Edited by Crrowly: 6/16/2017 2:31:41 AM[i]"The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering."[/i] -Bruce Lee [b]BASICS[/b] Name: Cyra Kingsley Age: Older than you, bitch. (76 years old, appears 24) Sex: Female Sexuality: [b]ERR404:[/b] Sexual preference not found Species/Race: Augmented human Occupation: Homeless prostitute. JK about the latter. Personality/Quirks:[spoiler]Cyra has an... interesting personality, to say the very least. Her personality is in the form of an executable file, which can have new parts programmed into it at any time. A program within her brain can translate any code into the original one it uses, determine whether it is safe or not, and implement it. Thus, anybody with proper programming skills can add to her personality, if they gain Cyra's trust. Being a computer, Cyra is incredibly intelligent, limited only by the writer's idiocy. Cyra is able to determine and calculate solutions to many situations that aren't emotional; this is not, to say, that Cyra does not feel emotion. In fact, she does; due to the personality file within her computer's memory, Cyra is capable of feeling most emotions that humans are capable of. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear... there are multiple emotions that are left out, most notably sexual attraction, however they could be programmed in, again, if one were to gain her trust. Actually regarding her specific personality, Cyra is not a very open or trusting individual. Primarily, she trusts actions, not words; instead of saying that you are a friend, you would have to prove to her that you are a friend instead of simply saying it. Cyra's opinion of a person is greatly affected by first impressions, and her opinion of a person greatly affects how she acts towards them; towards people she thinks negatively of, she is a cold, uncaring individual. Towards those she thinks positively of, she is open, kind, and sometimes vulnerable. Cyra favors the kind and honorable. She has great respect for leaders, protectors/defenders, and healers, even while she herself primarily plays an offensive role. She is less trusting of those who are equally as offensively focused, however does not distrust or think lowly of them. Cyra disfavors the unkind, untrustworthy, and dishonorable. People like criminals, the corrupted, or just generally untrustworthy people would find it very difficult to get on Cyra's good side. The one thing she hates most above all else is betrayal.[/spoiler] [b]PHYSIQUE[/b] Height: 5'8" Weight: 155 lbs (extra weight from augments, w/o augments, 128) Hair: Slightly longer than shoulder length, straight black hair Eyes: Icy blue eyes Body Type: Mesomorph Detailed Desc: Standing at above average female height, Cyra has an extremely athletic build. This is due to over half a century of spending three hours a day either in a gym or running multiple miles; so, while her body maintains a femininely curvy figure, it is also very muscular. To some, it could be unattractive, to others, perhaps not. Her skin complexion is in between a pale and a tan one, while her face has a pair of high cheekbones and a well-rounded jaw, in addition to a perky nose and thin lips. For her apparel, Cyra generally wears extremely casual clothing; a white tank top, black sweatpants, and a pair of plain, black slippers that she'll probably immediately kick off when a physical task is presented. In combat, she wears a black kevlar jacket, black combat pants and boots, as well as a [url=http://smartmall.ws/up/2019083532.jpg]skull mask[/url] made of carbon fiber to resist small to medium sized rounds. The entire right sleeve of the kevlar jacket is torn off to make room for Cyra's cybernetic arm. Underneath the jacket is a carbon fiber vest, providing additional protection against bullets but still allow for plenty of mobility. [b]COMBAT[/b] Equipment: [url=https://pp.userapi.com/c624729/v624729469/1546e/TmYjomzFG_4.jpg][b]"Demolition"[/b][/url][spoiler]The Demolition is a railgun used as a sniper rifle; it uses electromagnetism to fire its projectiles. It uses depleted uranium rounds; highly dense and penetrative. They are fired at a base speed of 3 km/s, which is about 8.75 times the speed of sound; however, this can be greatly increased by the manipulation of kinetic energy. The railgun has been specifically designed to compliment kinetic energy manipulation; when potential energy is converted to kinetic, it can be greatly multiplied to increase the round's speed to a maxium of 12 km/s; about 35 times the speed of sound. The drawbacks of this weapon are the fact that it must be charged up for a post, and it can only load one round; which takes another post up. So, when being fired as fast as possible, it can only be fired once every three posts.[/spoiler][url=http://orig11.deviantart.net/aa9e/f/2012/200/9/f/elah_01_by_peterku-d57t38n.jpg][b]Dual Plasma Handguns[/b][/url][spoiler]Dual plasma handguns wielded by Cyra. Their cases are made of tungsten to help resist the great amount of heat that comes with supercharged plasma, thus also making them extremely heavy; Cyra can only lift them due to over 20,000 hours logged into the gym. They are powered by battery, and each handgun has a lifespand of about 25 blasts until they must be recharged. Recharging is done at home, outside of combat. Luckily, that means that they need not be reloaded, and their charge time is considerably fast, as well.[/spoiler][url=http://www.goods.pl/images/products/pl/United_Cutlery_Black_Ronin_Samurai_Sword_With_Shoulder_Scabbard_UC3127.jpg][b]Carbon Fiber Sword[/b][/url][spoiler]Cyra's melee weapon of choice, it is a rather small, lightweight carbon fiber sword, the blade sixteen inches in length and the grip about six inches. Something special about it, however, is that when activated, the blade can vibrate at a high frequency of 40 GHz. This greatly enhances the blade's cutting capability so that it can cut through nearly anything.[/spoiler][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/0d/33/34/0d33344fa35be496dcd068ec4ced012d.jpg][b]Cybernetic Right Arm[/b][/url][spoiler]Replacing Cyra's right arm is a cybernetic one. It is made of a meld of titanium and tungsten alloy, making it able to withstand a huge amount of force. Additionally, its circuitry is a completely different kind-firstly, the electricity generated is powered by the flow of Cyra's blood, and secondly, it is incapable of being overloaded-meaning it is immune to EMPs, which overload electric circuitry to disable them. Also, being an augmented arm, it has two abilities. Firstly, the hand and wrist are able to reconstruct themselves into a grappling gun, allowing for Cyra to grapple to her destinations quickly. In combat, this is generally used to close gaps on opponents should her railgun fail to take them out; additionally, it can be used to reach wounded allies, where Cyra's medical knowledge can be of use. Secondly, the hand and wrist are able to reconstruct themselves into the barrel of a cannon; when the rest of the arm is fully extended and straightened, the entire arm locks and effectively becomes a cannon, which is capable of loading a single [url=https://deanoinamerica.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/a-10-shells1.jpg]30x173mm[/url] shell. It's... extremely deadly, to say the least. If Cyra does not properly set her posture, prepare, and brace herself, then firing this could easily break a couple of her bones, if not tear the arm off or permanently damage it.[/spoiler][b]Computer Brain: Custom OS[/b][spoiler]Within Cyra's flesh, blood, and bone head is a completely mechanical brain, with a completely custom OS system. The OS is completely encrypted in a completely original code, completely unrelated to binary, morse, or any programming language. Additionally, its circuitry is a completely different kind-firstly, the electricity generated is powered by the flow of Cyra's blood, and secondly, it is incapable of being overloaded-meaning it is immune to EMPs, which overload electric circuitry to disable them. There are several different programs constantly running at once on this computer that control Cyra's actions. One of the most notable programs is one that recognizes foreign programs, like a virus, and either purges them, alters them, or keeps them. This is her antivirus program; and it sees a great amount of use in downloading and installing different segments of personality. Personalities that the program may deem unwelcome are purged, where personalities that the program either favors or has no opinion on are kept or altered to not conflict with other personalities.[/spoiler] Abilities:[spoiler]First of, a very specific mutation Cyra's mitochondria causes her to be immortal. This mutation was not one Cyra was born with; contrarily, they were created by the same scientist who installed Cyra's augmentations. These same mutations actually give Cyra a very broad ability; kinetikinesis, or the manipulation of kinetic energy. With kinetic energy manipulation, Cyra can manipulate all forms of motion, thermal energy, sound energy, electricity, and electromagnetic energy. While kinetikinesis can include a lot more than just this, it's good to have some limits.[/spoiler] [b]OTHER[/b] Backstory: Ask her. Kek.