Welcome To Our Post. This Is Where You Will Find Great Players To Help You Get To The Promise Land Known As 'THE LIGHTHOUSE'.
[b]Note:[/b] A Good Fireteam For This Event Is One That Consists Of Good Teamwork And Communication.
If You Are Seeking A Good Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris Then Post Your Information Below.
-Gamertag: DynastyXSnipeZz
-Class And Subclass: Hunter | Bladedancer
-Light Level: 400
-Weapons: (Not Entirely Important)
-Skills: Great Sniper/ Communicator
Please Like This Post So It Will Be Easier To Find In The Future, And Hopefully It Will Help Make It Easier For Everyone To Find A Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris.
(The Star= Like Button)
Clan Members Will Always Be Chosen First For Trials Of Osiris To Get A Flawless.
[b]Youtube Channel:[/b] Youtube.com/c/dynasty2106
[b]Twitch Channel:[/b] https://m.twitch.tv/dynastyxsnipezz?sr=a
All The Best And Good Luck in Trials!
Need a similar team I'm 2k elo 1.9weekly
FREE RAFFLES!!! Helping people get flawless this weekend all weekend just swing through my stream www.twitch.tv/holmesssy make sure to follow and ask about how to join in on the road to the light house :) www.Twitch.tv/holmesssy
1.8 kd and 1.5 kd Looking for 1 to finish out a 7 win card. Gt same as above.
FREE RAFFLES!!! Helping people get flawless this weekend all weekend just swing through my stream www.twitch.tv/holmesssy make sure to follow and ask about how to join in on the road to the light house :) www.Twitch.tv/holmesssy
Need 2 message bigscoot88 don't suck 1.0kd+
FREE RAFFLES!!! Helping people get flawless this weekend all weekend just swing through my stream www.twitch.tv/holmesssy make sure to follow and ask about how to join in on the road to the light house :) www.Twitch.tv/holmesssy
Warlock - 1709 Elo, 1.45 kd, 285x flawless Titan - 1653 Elo, 1.21 kd, 89x flawless Already 3x flawless. Just trying to help out and play or do resets. Message domeshot311
Need one to help me and my buddy go flawless. I have a 1.2kd 1600elo. 1.4kd this week
I am a 2.0+ 2200+ doing free carries at http://www.twitch.tv/midgelrock! Come watch and get carried!
400 titan 1351 Elo 1.16 kd weekly Im hoping to [u]ATTEMPT[/u] flawless, I would really really like to go but doubt it will be happening but worth a shot. I do have a mic and can make call outs. GT: xOGxWULFx I promise I'm not as bad as stats say. Also not good idea for me to be host. I will forget I'm fireteam ldr. Please be 400 LL and 18+ Please and Thank You
Looking 4 2 good players who know what their doing 4 flawless run I have no mic but I'm good msg lochmess for inv
400 titan 1351 Elo 1.16 kd weekly Im hoping to [u]ATTEMPT[/u] flawless, I would really like to but doubt it will be happening but worth a shot. I do have a mic and can make call outs. GT: xOGxWULFx I promise I'm not as bad as stats say. Also not good idea for me to be host. I will forget I'm fireteam ldr. Please be 400 LL and 18+ Please and Thank You
Anybody down for a card? Destiny is almost over, I've let my stats go because... Who cares? This game is dead. My highest is 1830 elo and 1.3 kd. With an average of 1.6-1.8. I'm a solid player Invite or message KaptainKrakenZz
Looking 4 2 good players who know what their doing 4 flawless run I have no mic but I'm good
helping a virgin flawless need 1 similar 1.5 1900+
Need 1 for resets
1.9 overall on my hunter. 2.1 weekly. Looking to help someone carry. Inv worried now
Need 2 1500+ elo for flawless message nsanegomez88
1.2+ 1600+ Msg or invite ItsMatch
Anybody down for a card? Destiny is almost over, I've let my stats go because... Who cares? This game is dead. My highest is 1830 elo and 1.3 kd. With an average of 1.6-1.8. I'm a solid player Invite or message KaptainKrakenZz
1.2+ 1600+ Msg or invite ItsMatch
2200 Elo 2.60 kd for the week Looking for someone to help me do Carries ! 1.85 kd or higher GAMERTAG : Xenos
Looking for 1 low ell guardian to be carried flawless! Msg gt above
helping a virgin flawless need 1 similar 1.5 1900+
1.2+ 1600+ Msg or invite ItsMatch
400 warlock 33x flawless allready been flawless this week looking for 2 sweats msg me for inv