Welcome To Our Post. This Is Where You Will Find Great Players To Help You Get To The Promise Land Known As 'THE LIGHTHOUSE'.
[b]Note:[/b] A Good Fireteam For This Event Is One That Consists Of Good Teamwork And Communication.
If You Are Seeking A Good Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris Then Post Your Information Below.
-Gamertag: DynastyXSnipeZz
-Class And Subclass: Hunter | Bladedancer
-Light Level: 400
-Weapons: (Not Entirely Important)
-Skills: Great Sniper/ Communicator
Please Like This Post So It Will Be Easier To Find In The Future, And Hopefully It Will Help Make It Easier For Everyone To Find A Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris.
(The Star= Like Button)
Clan Members Will Always Be Chosen First For Trials Of Osiris To Get A Flawless.
[b]Youtube Channel:[/b] Youtube.com/c/dynasty2106
[b]Twitch Channel:[/b] https://m.twitch.tv/dynastyxsnipezz?sr=a
All The Best And Good Luck in Trials!
Need 1 decent player positive kd 1500+ elo for flawless run
1.17kd 1700 elo 400 warlock Looking to join 2 people that have the same or better stats (Invite me only I'm not building the team) Invite Elusive Gazelle
1.17kd 1700 elo 400 warlock Looking to join 2 people that have the same or better stats (Invite me only I'm not building the team) Invite Elusive Gazelle
400 titan 1.25 kd 1485 Elo inv Ima guccigoober If similar or better
3 win resets need 2 gt Dubsteps Finest
Looking for 1. 1.35 titan with 109x flawless. Gt same as above
1.22 kd 1700 elo 47x flawless Looking for similar group invite me
Free trials carries for people who have never been flawless first come first serve come to stream my twitch is xbelievensteve
1.17kd 1700 elo 400 warlock Looking to join 2 people that have the same or better stats (Invite me only I'm not building the team) Invite Elusive Gazelle
Need one for flawless msg gt: Lost to Light
Free trials carries for people who have never been flawless first come first serve come to stream my twitch is xbelievensteve
Need help going flawless? My partner and I are doing FREE carries. All you need to do is drop a follow on both our channels and win the raffle! It's that easy! twitch.tv/firejax217 twitch.tv/rewiped
Need 1 more for a flawless card. Must have 1.0+ and been flawless before. Message GT Dsmproject91
390 hunter looking to have some fun
Need 2 *Must have a 1.55kd overall+ *Must have a 1850 Elo + *Must have a mic MSG gt same
Lf 1700+ elo guardians. Was a 1730 but shit happens. Mssg me for inv. Stats. 1.30kd 1.4kd for the week. Anon Marethyu On an alt character so stats seem low
1.17kd 1700 elo 400 warlock Looking to join 2 people that have the same or better stats (Invite me only I'm not building the team) Invite Elusive Gazelle
1.17kd 1700 elo 400 warlock Looking to join 2 people that have the same or better stats (Invite me only I'm not building the team) Invite Elusive Gazelle
Free trials carries for people who have never been flawless first come first serve come to stream my twitch is xbelievensteve
Looking to do a trials double carry for lighthouse / message Ecksotic for a run!
Need someone thats never been flawless
Free trials carries for people who have never been flawless first come first serve come to stream my twitch is xbelievensteve
Need 1 *Must have a 1.55kd overall+ *Must have a 1850 Elo + *Must have a mic MSG gt same
2.5 2300 elo. Message if same or similar only. Gt:Droopi
Need one for trials
1.67 overall looking for a team.