Smith recently had this to say about Destiny 1's story, specifically referenceing The Exo Stranger's story arc...
[quote][b]Is there a world in which we never find out who the Exo Stranger was talking to on the phone?[/b]
Yeah, I mean, there’s a world where you never find out anything else about the Exo Stranger, and there’s a world where the Exo Stranger is the star of—
[b]Destiny 3?[/b]
[Laughs] Yeah, there’s a world where the Exo Stranger has a cartoon or a comic book series or whatever. With Destiny, we have so many cool opportunities to tell stories in and out of the game. And we have a bunch of characters who are interesting, but [u]the Exo Stranger is one that always makes me chuckle a little bit. Because I feel that’s one character where we actually wrapped up the arc. She gave you a sweet gun and then dissolved, presumably off to do something else. So I feel like, of all of our characters we’ve introduced and exited, we actually exited her effectively.[/u] But she always comes up. She always comes up, so there’s obviously something to that character that piques people’s curiosity. [/quote]
Does this offend anyone other than myself? Does Luke Smith/Bungie believe we're this stupid? Surely Smith doesn't truly believe this same drivel about the rest of Destiny 1's story elements and side plots.
I don't think I have ever heard anyone with this opinion of her story arc. I can't fathom how Smith believes that Bungie, "exited her effectively." Even with the information in the Grimoire she is still a giant mystery. Are we not supposed to want to know who she was talking to? Where she came from? What her purpose was/is/will be?
For the record: I do appreciate that they are really focusing on telling a thoroughly deep story from Destiny 2 onward. However, we can't just drop Destiny 1 and pretend like it never happened. What a slap in the face to those of us (players and content creators) who invested our time and effort into playing and decrypting (pun intended) Destiny 1's story and history.
(EDIT: Wooo!!! We're trending! Let's keep this conversation going, Guardians.)
(EDIT 2: Updated title to remove redundancies.)
(EDIT 3: Some great replies and good conversation going on here. Keep it up y'all!)
Edited by Barrierr-: 6/16/2017 3:56:15 PMLol just goes to show what kind of story we can expect in D2 if they still believe this way. "Here's something big to kill until the next DLC where we introduce something else to kill & there won't be any continuity at all! Become legend!" You shouldn't be mad at Luke for telling the truth. You should be mad that Bungie still doesn't give a damn about story & are only interested in selling us a point & shoot game.