Anyone else a bit peeved that we can only run 2 builds per Subclass in D2? Part of the experience was enjoying being able to customize and optimize my Guardians for the battle they were having and weapons they were running. Now I have to choose from one or the other? Is Bungle [i]trying[/i] to make this a game for children? We deserve options!
First off this game is accessible to children. econdly, we don't deserve anything. When you fork over the money, business etiquette dictates that you are fully aware of the product you are purchasing. If you are unhappy then you should have done more research. Lastly, "optimizing" your build was exactly the problem. No one was running builds [i]for fun[/i]. It was all based around "the best way to play". If you make this class like this, then you'll win easy at this. Like the endless guns in the game. Why did bungie add more guns if everyone just stuck to like three archetypes? We did this to ourselves. We [i]had[/i] our options and we never made full use of them.