Tried making a thread offering harmless suggestions to improve Destiny 2:
At the time of writing this post, it has a rating of 0 and no comments. This annoys me, you know why? Because it means people are disliking the post just to put me down.
If you genuinely have a problem with a post, the least you can do is leave a comment saying why. This most basic form of feedback is the only way the posts I make will ever improve, so neglecting to do that is only going to cause the problem to continue.
If you don't have a problem with the post and are just downvoting for shiggles, you can go -blam!- yourself. It's rude, and because it lowers the rating, it'll prevent others from seeing the post and lower the chances that it might actually influence the change it is aiming for.
From now on if you have a problem with any post, including this one, don't downvote unless you're going to leave a comment as well.
What makes you think that you are so important that people should tell you why they don't like your post.